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名篇背诵:A Dancing Girl 舞女


名篇背诵:A Dancing Girl 舞女

A Dancing Girl 舞女

大卫·H. 劳伦斯(David H. Lawrence)

That dance was an intoxication to her. After the first few steps, she felt herself slipping away from herself. She almost knew she was going, and she did not even want to go. Yet she must have chosen to go. She lay in the arm of the steady, close man with whom she was dancing, and she seemed to swim away out of contact with the room, into him. She had passed into another, denser element of him, an essential privacy. The room was all vague around her, like an atmosphere, like under sea, with a flow of ghostly , dumb movements. But she herself was held real against her partner, and it seemed she was connected with him, as if the movements of his body and limbs were her own movements, yet not her own movements — and oh, delicious! He also was given up, oblivious, concentrated, into the dance. His eye was unseeing . Only his large, voluptuous body gave off a subtle activity. His fingers seemed to search into her flesh. Every moment, and every moment, she felt she would give way utterly, and sink molten: the fusion point was coming when she would fuse down into perfect unconciousness at his feet and knees. But he bore her round the room in the dance, and he seemed to sustain all her body with his limbs, his body, and his warmth seemed to come closer into her, nearer, till it would fuse right through her, and she would be as liquid to him as an intoxication only.

- intoxication [ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 醉酒,陶醉

- ghostly [ˈɡəʊstlɪ] a. 幽灵似的,鬼似的

- unseeing [ʌnˈsiːɪŋ] a. 视而不见的,看不见的

- voluptuous [vəˈlʌptʃʊəs] a. 丰满的,性感的


大卫·H. 劳伦斯(1885—1930),英国诗人、小说家、散文家。出身于一个矿工家庭,以写小说见长,有 《白孔雀》(The White Peacock ,1911),《儿子和情人》(Sons and Lovers ,1913),《虹》(The Rainbow ,1915)等作品,最有争议性的是《查特莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley's Lover ,1928)。

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