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Leave the accommodation

End of stay

Return the room key


As the morning sun streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow on the neatly made bed, I knew it was time to perform the ritual of departure, or "退房" in Chinese. This is a moment of reflection and closure, a transition from the comfort of a temporary home to the open road.


The process began with a final inspection of the room, ensuring that every item was in its place, a practice that mirrors the Chinese saying "物归原主" (return everything to its rightful place). With a sense of responsibility, I gathered my belongings, each one a reminder of the experiences I had accumulated during my stay.


With a sigh, I handed over the room key to the receptionist, a simple act that symbolizes "交出钥匙" (handing over the key), marking the end of my stay. The receptionist, with a smile, processed the check-out, swiftly and efficiently, allowing me to move on without delay.


As I stepped out of the hotel, I took one last look at the place that had been my shelter for the past few days. The feeling of "依依不舍" (reluctant to part) filled my heart, a bittersweet emotion that comes with leaving behind a place that had become familiar.


In the end, the ritual of departure is not just about leaving a place; it's about embracing the memories and the lessons learned, carrying them forward as I continue my journey. As I walked away, I felt a sense of gratitude for the experiences and the hospitality that had been extended to me.



❶ 现在能退房吗?May I check out now?

同类表达 Check out, please. 退房。

这样回答 Of course. Just a moment, please. 当然,请稍等。

❷ 我们可以延迟几个钟头退房吗?Can we check out just a few hours later?

同类表达 Can I extend checkout time by just a few hours?

这样回答 Yes, but you have to pay extra money for that. 可以,不过那样的话您需要额外付钱。

❸ 过了退房时间会收罚金吗?Is there a late checkout charge?

同类表达 Will I be charged if I check out late?

Is there a charge for late checkout?

When is the latest checkout time?

❹ 我能把行李存放在这里一直到下午吗?Can I keep my baggage here till this afternoon?

这样回答 You can keep your baggage at the Bell Service until 5:00 p.m. free of charge. 您可以免费将您的行李寄存在行李部到下午五点。

❺ 能给我看看明细表吗?Can you give me an itemized bill?

同类表达 Could I have my bill? 我可以看一下账单吗?

❻ 这项是什么费用?What's this charge for?

同类表达 What's this item on the bill for?

❼ 我没有打过国际长途。I didn't make any overseas calls.

同类表达 I didn't use the mini bar. 我没有用过迷你吧台。

I'll just check it again for you. 我再为您核对一遍。

❽ 能用信用卡支付吗?May I pay by card?

对话 A: How are you going to settle your account? 你打算如何付款?

B: May I pay by card? 能用信用卡支付吗?

❾ 请给我开收据。I'd like a receipt, please.

同类表达 Can I get a receipt?

Can you print me a receipt?

❿ 有贵宾卡能打折吗?Can I have a discount with the VIP card?

对话 A: Can I have a discount with the VIP card? 有贵宾卡能打折吗?

B: Let me see. Yes, you can get a 20% discount. 让我看看。是的,您可以享受八折。
