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  • Era - 时代

  • Century - 世纪

  • Decade - 十年

  • Year - 年

  • Season - 季节

  • Month - 月份

  • Week - 周

  • Day - 天

  • Hour - 小时

  • Minute - 分钟

  • Second - 秒

  • Moment - 瞬间

  • Instant - 即刻

  • Now - 现在

  • Then - 那时

  • Soon - 不久

  • Later - 稍后

  • Presently - 目前

  • Recently - 最近

  • Ago - 前


  • Time flies - 时间飞逝。

  • A day is a miniature of eternity - 一天是永恒的缩影。

  • Time is money - 时间就是金钱。

  • Time will tell - 时间会证明一切。

  • You can't turn back the clock - 你不能倒转时钟。

  • Time heals all wounds - 时间治愈一切创伤。

  • Better late than never - 迟到总比不到好。

  • Time is a great teacher - 时间是一位伟大的老师。

  • Time and tide wait for no man - 时间不等人。

  • Every moment counts - 每一刻都很重要。

示范作文:The Value of Time 时间的价值

Time, that elusive and precious commodity, is a concept that has intrigued philosophers, poets, and everyday people alike. It is the silent companion that marches on relentlessly, marking the passage of life with its steady beat.


From the moment we are born, time is the canvas upon which our lives are painted. Each tick of the clock, each passing second, contributes to the rich tapestry of our existence. As the old saying goes, "Time flies," and it is a reminder to cherish every moment.


In our pursuit of success and happiness, we often find ourselves racing against time. We plan, we schedule, we rush from one task to another, all in the hope of making the most of the limited time we have. Yet, as we hurry through life, we may overlook the simple joys that unfold before us.


It is important to remember that time is not just a measure of productivity but also a measure of life's quality. To truly appreciate time is to find balance between work and rest, between action and contemplation. As the wise say, "Every moment counts," and it is up to us to decide how we spend our moments.


In conclusion, time is a gift that we are all given, and how we choose to use it is a reflection of our values and priorities. Let us not be slaves to the clock, but masters of our own time, making each second count and leaving a legacy that we can be proud of.

