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  • Mountain - 山

  • Hill - 小山

  • Peak - 山峰

  • Range - 山脉

  • Ridge - 山脊

  • Valley - 山谷

  • River - 河流

  • Stream - 小溪

  • Lake - 湖泊

  • Pond - 池塘

  • Reservoir - 水库

  • Gorge - 峡谷

  • Canyon - 峡谷

  • Fjord - 海峡

  • Waterfall - 瀑布

  • Creek - 小河

  • Marsh - 沼泽

  • Wetland - 湿地

  • Mountainous - 多山的

  • Scenic - 风景如画的


  • Majestic mountains stand tall against the sky - 雄伟的山峰高耸入云。

  • The river flows serenely through the valley - 河流平静地流经山谷。

  • A tranquil lake reflects the beauty of nature - 宁静的湖泊映照着大自然的美丽。

  • The waterfall cascades down the cliff with a thunderous roar - 瀑布从悬崖上倾泻而下,发出雷鸣般的轰鸣。

  • The hills are bathed in the golden light of sunset - 小山沐浴在日落的金色光芒中。

  • The lake is a gem nestled in the heart of the mountains - 湖泊是镶嵌在群山之心的宝石。

  • The river meanders like a snake through the lush greenery - 河流像蛇一样蜿蜒穿过郁郁葱葱的绿色植被。

  • The mountain range stretches as far as the eye can see - 山脉延伸至目之所及。

  • The crystal clear water of the stream sparkles in the sunlight - 小溪的清澈水流在阳光下闪闪发光。

  • The canyon's walls tower above, a testament to nature's grandeur - 峡谷的墙壁高耸入云,见证了大自然的宏伟。

示范作文: The Beauty of Nature's Landscape 自然风光之美

In the heart of the wilderness lies a tapestry of nature's finest work—the mountains, rivers, and lakes that paint the earth with their grandeur. These natural wonders have long been a source of inspiration, awe, and tranquility for those who venture into their embrace.


Mountains, the ancient guardians of the earth, stand tall and proud, their peaks often shrouded in a veil of mist, adding an air of mystery to their already impressive stature. As one climbs higher, the view from the summit is nothing short of breathtaking, with the world laid out below like a map, waiting to be explored.


Rivers, the lifeblood of the land, carve their paths through valleys and plains, providing sustenance and nourishment to the flora and fauna that depend on their flow. They are ever-changing, their currents reflecting the passage of time and the cycle of life.


Lakes, serene and reflective, offer a mirror to the sky above, capturing the dance of clouds and the changing hues of the sun. They are places of peace and contemplation, inviting one to pause and reflect on the beauty and harmony of the natural world.


In conclusion, the mountains, rivers, and lakes are not just geographical features; they are the heartbeat of the earth, the embodiment of its timeless beauty and power. Let us cherish and protect these treasures, that future generations may continue to marvel at the wonders of nature's landscape.

