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名篇背诵:It's Never Too Late for Success 大器晚成


名篇背诵:It's Never Too Late for Success 大器晚成

It's Never Too Late for Success 大器晚成

查尔斯·D. 赖斯(Charles D. Rice)

You and your parents can stop worrying — Pasteur, Edison, Darwin and lots more were far from being geniuses in their teens.

History books seldom mention it, but the truth is that many of our greatest figures were practically “beatniks ” when they were teenagers. They were given to daydreaming, indecision, hebetude (plain dullness), and they showed no promise of being doctor, lawyer or Indian chief.

So, young men and women, if you suffer from the same symptoms , don't despair. The world was built by men and women whose parents worried that they would “never amount to a hill of beans ”. You don't hear too much about their early failure because parents prefer to cite more inspiring examples.

So it goes. You have the Wright brothers, who were brilliant at engineering in their early teens, and you have Thomas Alva Edison, whose teacher tried to get him out of the class because his brain was “addled ”. You have the Nobel Prize physicist Enrico Fermi, who at 17 had read enough mathematics to qualify for a doctor's degree. And you have the great Albert Schweitzer, who wavered between music and the church until he was 30. Then he started his medical studies.

Charles Darwin's early life was a mess. He hated school, and his father once shouted:“You care for nothing but shooting dogs and rat catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family!” He was sent to Glasgow to study medicine, but he couldn't stand the sight of blood. He was sent to divinity school and barely managed to graduate. Whereupon he chucked the whole business and shipped to the South Seas on the famous exploring ship Beagle. On that voyage, one of history's greatest scientists was born. It was here that he collected the material for the book that would revolutionize biological science — The Origin of the Species .

And added to all the aforementioned paradoxes you have a small army of child prodigies who were graduated from college when they were 15, and are now obscure clerks in accounting departments. And you have a small army of men who were too stupid or indolent to get into or finish college and who are today presidents of the firms that hire the prodigies.

So who's to say what about youth? Any young boy or girl who knows what he wants to do in life is probably the better off for it. But no teenager need despair of the future.He has that one special advantage over the greatest man alive — time!

- beatnik [ˈbiːtnɪk] n. 垮掉的一代

- hebetude [ˈhebɪtjuːd] n. 愚鲁迟钝,笨头笨脑

- symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. 病症

never amount to a hill of beans 一钱不值,毫无用处

- addled [ˈædld] n. 笨蛋

- waver [ˈweɪvə] vi. 踌躇,摇曳

- chuck [tʃʌk] vt. 丢弃,驱逐

- prodigy [ˈprɒdɪdʒɪ] n. 奇事,奇观

- indolent [ˈɪndələnt] a. 懒惰的








查尔斯·D. 赖斯(Charles D. Rice)是一位著名的美国病毒学家,以其在丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)研究领域的贡献而闻名。2020年,他与哈维·阿尔特(Harvey J. Alter)和迈克尔·霍顿(Michael Houghton)共同获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,以表彰他们在发现丙型肝炎病毒方面的决定性贡献。他们的研究揭示了剩余慢性肝炎病例的病因,并使血液检测和新药成为可能,挽救了数百万人的生命。


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