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1.Single - 最直接的表达,指一个人没有伴侣。

2.Unattached - 指没有与任何人建立正式关系的状态。

3.Unmarried - 特指没有结婚的状态。

4.Solo - 强调一个人的状态,可能用于描述单身生活。

5.Bachelor - 通常指未婚的男性。

6.Spinster - 传统上指未婚的女性,但这个词汇现在较少使用,因为它可能带有负面含义。


Being single is a state of being that is often misunderstood and sometimes undervalued in society. It is not merely the absence of a partner but a unique opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Single individuals have the freedom to pursue their passions, develop their careers, and cultivate their interests without the constraints of a relationship.

In the modern world, being single is increasingly recognized as a valid and fulfilling lifestyle choice. It allows for flexibility in daily routines and the ability to make spontaneous decisions. Singles often find themselves with a diverse social circle, as they are not limited to the company of one significant other.

Moreover, being single can be a period of introspection and self-reflection. It provides the space to understand one's own needs and desires, which can lead to healthier relationships in the future. Singles are not defined by their relationship status but by their individual achievements, character, and contributions to society.

In conclusion, being single is a multifaceted experience that encompasses independence, personal development, and the potential for deep connections with others. It is a state that should be celebrated and respected, as it is an integral part of the human experience.






❶ 你怎么看待单身?What do you think about being single?

这样回答 I wish there is someone who cares about me. 真希望有个人来关心我。

I wish there could be a partner to care about me. 我希望能有个伴儿关心我。

❷ 做什么事都是一个人,感觉糟透了。I do everything by myself; it sucks.

对话 A: I do everything by myself; it sucks. 做什么事都是一个人,感觉糟透了。

B: You bet, especially when friends are out dating. 没错,特别是朋友们都出去约会的时候。

❸ 你应该享受现在单身的时期。You should enjoy your single period.

对话 A: I envy your family. 我羡慕你的家庭。

B: You should enjoy your single period. 你应该享受现在单身的时期。

❹ 你不觉得孤独吗?Don't you feel lonely?

这样回答 I admit that I feel lonely occasionally, but that doesn't mean I should settle on a guy I don't like. 我承认自己有时感到孤独,但这并不说明我要跟一个不喜欢的男生在一起。

❺ 我喜欢单身,很自由。I love being single. I have so much freedom.

对话 A: What do you think about being single? 你怎么看待单身?

B: I love being single, I have so much freedom. 我喜欢单身,很自由。

❻ 你现在有中意的对象吗?Is there someone that you're interested in?

对话 A: Is there someone that you're interested in? 你现在有中意的对象吗?

B: Actually I'm seeing someone. 事实上,我正在和一个人约会。

❼ 单身的感觉真是太好了!Being single feels like I'm on the top of the world.

❽ 我妈对我的婚事催得很紧。My mum is pushing hard on me to get married.

对话 A: Are you going on a blind date again? 你又要去相亲啊?

B: Yes, I have to. My mum is pushing hard on me to get married. 是的,我必须去。我妈对我的婚事催得很紧。

❾ 不要再给我介绍对象了。Don't try to introduce people to me anymore.

同类表达 After what I did on the blind date, I'm pretty sure no one would dare to set me up anymore. 在我上次相亲的表现后,我很确定没人敢给我介绍对象了。

❿ 单身没有什么大不了。It's no big deal of being single.

上一篇:名篇背诵:At Nightfall 黄昏
下一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:We Have Planned a Surprise Party for Liu Ying 庆祝刘英生日,我们要给她一个惊喜