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Urbanization has brought about significant changes to the environment, both positive and negative. On the one hand, cities provide better infrastructure and services, which can lead to improved living standards. However, the rapid expansion of urban areas often results in the destruction of natural habitats and the loss of biodiversity. The increased use of vehicles and industrial activities leads to air and water pollution, posing health risks to residents. Moreover, the heat island effect, where urban areas are significantly warmer than their rural surroundings, exacerbates the problem of global warming. To mitigate these issues, sustainable urban planning and green technologies are essential.



  • Urbanization (城市化)

  • Infrastructure (基础设施)

  • Biodiversity (生物多样性)

  • Air and water pollution (空气和水污染)

  • Health risks (健康风险)

  • Heat island effect (城市热岛效应)

  • Global warming (全球变暖)

  • Sustainable urban planning (可持续的城市规划)

  • Green technologies (绿色技术)


The process of urbanization has had profound effects on the environment. One of the most noticeable impacts is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to the expansion of urban areas. This leads to climate change and global warming, which have severe consequences for the planet. Additionally, the construction of buildings and roads consumes vast amounts of natural resources, leading to deforestation and soil erosion. The demand for water and energy also rises, putting a strain on local ecosystems. To counteract these issues, cities must adopt eco-friendly practices and invest in renewable energy sources.



  • Greenhouse gas emissions (温室气体排放)

  • Climate change (气候变化)

  • Global warming (全球变暖)

  • Deforestation (森林砍伐)

  • Soil erosion (土壤侵蚀)

  • Ecosystems (生态系统)

  • Eco-friendly practices (环保做法)

  • Renewable energy sources (可再生能源)


Urbanization is a double-edged sword when it comes to environmental impact. On the beneficial side, cities can promote energy efficiency and reduce waste through better waste management systems. However, the downside is that urban sprawl often leads to the fragmentation of natural landscapes, making it difficult for wildlife to thrive. The demand for resources like water and land can also lead to over-extraction and habitat destruction. To ensure a sustainable future, urban planners must integrate green spaces and promote sustainable living practices among residents.



  • Double-edged sword (双刃剑)

  • Energy efficiency (能源效率)

  • Waste management systems (废物管理系统)

  • Urban sprawl (城市扩张)

  • Fragmentation (破碎)

  • Wildlife (野生动物)

  • Over-extraction (过度开采)

  • Habitat destruction (栖息地破坏)

  • Sustainable future (可持续的未来)

  • Green spaces (绿色空间)

  • Sustainable living practices (可持续的生活方式)
