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名篇背诵:My Mother 我的母亲


名篇背诵:My Mother 我的母亲

My Mother 我的母亲

艾丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)

In the late 1920s my mother ran away from home to marry my father. Marriage, if not running away, was expected of seventeen-year-old girls. By the time she was twenty, she had two children and was pregnant with a third. Five children later, I was born. And this is how I came to know my mother:she seemed a large, soft, loving-eyed woman who was rarely impatient in our home.Her quick, violent temper was on view only a few times a year, when she battled with the white landlord who had the misfortune to suggest to her that her children did not need to go to school.

She made all the clothes we wore, even my brothers' overalls. She made all the towels and sheets we used. She spent the summers canning vegetables and fruits. She spent the winter evenings making quilts enough to cover all our beds.

During the “working” day, she labored beside — not behind — my father in the fields. Her day began before sunup, and did not end until late at night. There was never a moment for her to sit down, undisturbed, to unravel her own private thoughts; never a time free from interruption — by work or the noisy inquiries of her many children. And yet, it is to my mother — and all our mothers who were not famous — that I went in search of the secret of what has fed that muzzled and often mutilated , but vibrant , creative spirit that the black woman has inherited, and that pops out in wild and unlikely places to this day.

- unravel [ʌnˈrævl] v. 清理,梳理

- muzzled [ˈmʌzld] a. 被抑制的

- mutilated [ˈmjuːtɪleɪtɪd] a. 被弄得残缺不全的

- vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt] a. 生机勃勃的




艾丽丝·沃克(1944— ),美国黑人女小说家、诗人、散文家、批评家,出生于美国佐治亚州。八岁时她哥哥无意中射瞎了她一只眼睛。

她是第一个黑人女性赢得普利策奖小说奖的作家,获奖作品是她的长篇小说《紫色》(The Color Purple)。《紫色》讲述了一个黑人女性的生活经历,探讨了种族、阶级和性别问题。这部作品被普遍认为是美国现代文学的经典之一,也被拍摄成了一部备受称赞的电影。

她获多种奖项,主要作品有:《一次》(Once ,1976),《格兰奇·科普兰的第三次生命》(The Third Life of Grange Copeland ,1970),《恋爱与麻烦中:黑人妇女故事》(In Love & Trouble:Stories of Black Women ,1973),《搜索母亲的花园:女权主义散文集》(In Search of Our Mother's Garden:Womanist Prose ,1983),《马使山水更显美丽》(Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful ,1985)等。


下一篇:名篇背诵:Equality and Greatness 平等与伟大