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名篇背诵:Birds Singing in Duet 鸟儿二重唱


名篇背诵:Birds Singing in Duet 鸟儿二重唱

Birds Singing in Duet 鸟儿二重唱

纳撒尼尔·韦斯特(Nathanael West)

A mockingbird was singing near by. Its song was like pebbles being dropped one by one from a height into a pool of water. Then a quail began to call, using two soft guttural notes. Another quail answered and the birds talked back and forth. Their call was not like the cheerful whistle of the Eastern bobwhite . It was full of melancholy and weariness, yet marvelously sweet. Still another quail joined the duet. This one called from near the center of the field. It was a trapped bird, but the sound it made had no anxiety in it, only sadness, impersonal and without hope.

- duet [djuːˈet] n. 二重唱,二重奏

- quail [kweɪl] n. 鹌鹑

- guttural [ˈɡʌtərəl] a. 颚音的,喉音的

- bobwhite [ˈbɒbwaɪt] n. 鹑


纳撒尼尔·韦斯特(1903—1940),美国小说家,出身于纽约一个犹太移民家庭,37岁时死于车祸。出版过四部小说:《巴尔索·斯内尔的梦中生活》(The Dream Life of Balso Snell ,1931),《寂寞芳心》(Miss Lonelyhearts ,1933),《整整一百万》(A Cool Million ,1934)和《蝗虫的日子》(The Day of the Locust ,1939)。



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