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What is net of Yo of the state religion in NTCE?

NTCE China teachs a net, full name is " the country teachs Yo informatization comprehensive test net " , it is the platform of informatization of national level education that is in charge of by Chinese Ministry of Education, aim to drive educational modernization to develop, promotion teachs informatization level, service whole nation teachs digitlization demand of the system.

NTCE China teachs the function of the net and characteristic

NTCE China teachs a netRegard informatization of national level education as comprehensive test net, have a variety of functions and characteristic. Above all, it provided the platform of informatization management for door of Ministry of Education, include natural resources of school informatization construction, education to share, the support of the respect such as online education. Next, NTCE China teachs a netDevote oneself to compose to propose uniform educational informatization standard and standard, promote those who teach resource to share with efficient use. Additional, this platform still has substantial education natural resources and practice case, can offer all-around study support and education to groom for teacher and student.

NTCE China teachs the development course of the net

1997, ministry of Education was started " the country teachs Yo informatization public service project " , indicatingNTCE China teachs a netStepped the first pace of development. Subsequently, mix after many reform upgrade, this platform is perfected ceaselessly and expand, in was being become, the country teachs the main component of informatization domain. Up to now, NTCE China teachs a netHad developed become to cover digital library, electron classroom, online groom the integrated education platform that waits for many subsystem, to teach the digitlization of the career transition provided strong safeguard.

NTCE China teachs the future of the net to look into

The education that faces digitlization period is challenged, NTCE China teachs a netthe travel before continueing. Future, it will strengthen pair of research and development that teach informatization technique and innovation, the intelligence that promotes platform continuously is changed, individuation serves ability, innovation teachs mode, drive digitlization of educational natural resources to share, the compose that help strength is built more open, include, share, the educational ecology group of wisdom.

Thank you to read the article, pass understandingNTCE China teachs a net, you can understand a country deep to teach the current situation that informatization develops and foreground more, and the gigantic revolution that teachs digital melt into to teach reform and development to bring and help.
