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作为中国东北的一颗璀璨明珠,哈尔滨不仅有着冰雪奇观的魅力,更有着丰富多样的美食文化。 哈尔滨美食以其独特的口味和丰富的餐饮文化吸引着无数游客前来品味。在这里,除了著名的俄式风味,还有多种各具特色的当地小吃和名菜,诸如“东北乱炖”、“红肠炖酸菜”、“杀猪菜”等等。








Harbin cate: The regale on a the tip of the tongue

Regard China as bright phearl of northeast a bright, harbin is having the charm of marvellous spectacle of ice and snow not only, having the cate culture of rich diversity more. Harbin cateWith its distinctive taste and rich meal culture are attracting countless tourists to come round to savour. Here, besides famous Russian type gust, the place that still has each a variety of distinguishing feature is fastfood with renown dish, such as " northeast chaos is stewed " , " red bowel stews pickled Chinese cabbage " , " the dish that kill a hog " etc.

The brigade of Harbin cate: The distinguishing feature that cannot miss is fastfood

Harbin cateabsorbing, besides renown dish, have its more unique distinguishing feature is fastfood. Should belong to cate of Russian type gust above all, for example grilled fish of type of Russian type barbecue, Russia do not have distinguishing feature; It is trueborn Harbin next red bowel, sweet glutinous is goluptious, get of local love; In addition, still have the calabash of rock candy glacial a city that has distinguishing feature alone, thick fruit the mouthfeel of sweet, crisp is absolutely delicate.

Harbin cate recommends: Local characteristic dining-room

If want to sample authenticHarbin cate, so the ground that characteristic dining-room of place goes to surely namely. Be located in for instance in the center of the dining-room of old vegetable garden of the ave, the Russian type dish here and northeast food taste are pure, aftertaste letting a person is boundless; Still have old inferior the auspicious market dining room of street of commerce amorous feelings, the northeast countryside meal here lets a person as if place oneself farmhouse is rural, regression is natural.

Harbin cateOne dug comes before with its distinctive taste and rich culture are attracting numerous tourist unexpectedly. Here, sample local cate, it is the regale on the tip of the tongue more, also be the deepness exploration of beautiful to this city.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can seek Harbin cate to provide a few helps for you.
