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  • 毛豆腐:以毛豆为主要原料,辅以鸡肉、蛋、香菇等,再用豆腐渣加工而成,鲜香可口。
  • 宜昌烤鱼:选用长江中的鲜鱼,经过炭火烤制,口感鲜美,香辣适中。
  • 三峡米酒:三峡地区盛产优质糯米,酿造出的米酒醇厚香醇。





Yichang brief introduction

Be located in Hubei the province is mid, it is the Yangtse River the important node city with 3 downstream gorge. The administer below Yichang city 5 areas, 3 city, 5 counties, be located in middle reaches of the Yangtse River, element has " of " of 3 gorge center say. Yichang is one is having the city of long history culture and bright nature scene, historic site of collect nature beautiful scenery, culture and folk-custom amorous feelings are an organic whole.

Optimal journey time

Yichang belongs to semi-tropical monsoon climate, spring climate is friendly, the summer is burning hot and rainy, autumn is cool and delightful, winter chill is dry. Generally speaking, age the optimal time that two season are Yichang journey, can sheer mix sultrily rainy summer, also can keep away from freezing winter.

The tourist attraction is recommended

3 gorge amorous feelings: Yichang is the core city of 3 gorge, the tourist can take You Lun to visit the Yangtse River 3 gorge, appreciate strong beautiful 3 gorge scene, those who experience the Yangtse River is grand.

Zi puts in dragon scale big gorge 's charge: The Zi that is located in gorge of long Jiangxi hill puts in dragon scale big gorge 's charge, it may be said is one place by the absolutely beautiful landscape of nature carve, the cascade of dragon scale layer of each different folds the configuration on cliff, just like folds made of baked clay mix of made of baked clay jade, acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person.

Mao Shan: Be known as " 3 gorge " of the first hill, fokelore fastens divine farming family name to adopt medical ground with Hao grass. Cogongrass hill cloud and mist winds around, gushu is very tall, it is ideal summer resort.

Yichang museum: The rich cultural relic such as 3 gorge ancient culture, Hunan culture, painting culture mixes holding the history is vestigial, it is the superexcellent land that knows Yichang culture inside information.

Characteristic cate

The local cate of Yichang has very strong native land distinguishing feature, it is cooking gimmick or gust mouthfeel no matter, can bring a person the experience that find everything new and fresh.

  • Corrupt of young soya bean: It is main raw material with young soya bean, complementary wait with chicken, egg, Xianggu mushroom, broken bits of reoccupy bean curd is machined and become, xianxiang is goluptious.
  • Yichang grilled fish: Choose the fresh fish in the Yangtse River, bake through charcoal fire make, mouthfeel is delicious, sweet hot moderate.
  • 3 gorge rice wine: 3 gorge area teems with high grade polished glutinous rice, the rice wine that brew gives is full-bodied sweet alcohol.

Traffic guideline

The communication of Yichang urban district is very easy, can take plane, Gao Tie, car to head for, there are a variety of vehicles such as the subway, public transportation, taxi inside the city, the tourist goes out travel is very convenient.

Acknowledgment reads strategy of this Yichang travel, the travel of the Yichang that hopes to be able to be you provides a few useful information. Wish you journey is happy!

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