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The historical origin of China tradition culture

China tradition culture is of long standing and well established, can before restrospect to counts chiliad first civilian civilized. Arrive from Confucianism of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, bronze ware, ancient time Chinese Tang poetry word, these are the main carrier of China tradition culture. China tradition culture is shirt-sleeve the Confucianist, Taoist school, Mohist School, Legalists multivariate thought, formed unique value system.

The core viewpoint of value of China tradition culture

The core viewpoint of value of China tradition culture is perforative in the daily life at the Chinese. Honour the development direction that often respects equivalence of housekeeping of path of old, filial piety, formal, economical, hardworking and thrifty to be worth ideal profundity to affecting Chinese society. These viewpoint of value also are China culture has the reason of principal port in current society.

The contemporary meaning of China tradition culture

In contemporary society, china tradition culture still has main force. It is the mental home of Chinese people not only, also be the main component of Chinese soft actual strength. The inheritance of China tradition culture and carry on, conduce to enhance national cohesive affinity, promote culture self-confident heart, produce positive effect in international association.

The inheritance of China tradition culture and innovation

Culture of inheritance China tradition needs to come true in innovation. As the changes of the times, culture inheritance should not stay in simple imitated, and should pay attention to the union with contemporary society, gift the vitality with China tradition new culture. For example, combine method of modern science and technology to have culture transmission and creative work, can let China tradition culture move toward the world better.

Anyhow, china tradition culture regards China as ethical gem, its value sense, ethic and formula of artistic watch reveal one's true features are right Chinese society produces far-reaching effect. We ought to cherish traditional culture, inheritance innovates, let its be in the vitality with contemporary society new coruscate, continue to make contribution for human civilization.

Acknowledgment is read! Carry the article, viewpoint of value of the historical origin that hopes to be able to help a reader understand China tradition culture better, core and contemporary meaning, and the importance of inheritance and innovation.

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