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1. 佳能

佳能公司推出的数码单反相机一直以来都备受好评。2018年,佳能发布了多款新品,其中佳能EOS 5D Mark IV因其出色的画质表现和快速的自动对焦系统脱颖而出,成为了最受欢迎的数码单反相机之一。

2. 尼康


3. 索尼

索尼的全画幅无反相机在2018年引起了轰动,特别是索尼A7 III。这款相机以其出色的成像质量、迅捷的自动对焦系统和出色的低光性能成为了2018年度最热卖的数码相机之一。

4. 富士


5. 索尼

索尼另一款备受关注的产品是RX100 VI,这款便携式数码相机以其卓越的画质表现和多功能性在旅行摄影领域广受好评。


  • 了解自己的需求:您是专业摄影师、摄影爱好者还是旅行者?不同的需求决定了您对数码相机的选择。
  • 性能参数:像素、传感器尺寸、对焦系统等性能参数决定了相机的拍摄表现,需要根据自己的摄影需求进行选择。
  • 体验试用:在购买数码相机之前,最好能够通过实际操作来了解相机的手感和操作体验。
  • 预算考量:价格是选择数码相机时必须考虑的因素之一,根据自己的预算来选择性价比最高的相机。



Had neared end 2018, camera of each phyletic and other amount also cuts a figure in this year. Regard photography lover as professional perhaps cameraman, choose a property the digital watch for an opportunity with powerful, substantial function is crucial. In the article, we will provide 2018 year for you pop chart of optimal number camera, help you find the digital watch for an opportunity that suits you most in numerous choice.

1.Beautiful can

Beautiful can the digital sheet that the company rolls out turns over camera all the time since suffer fully reputably. 2018, beautiful can release much money to be tasted newly, among them beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV is behaved character because of its outstanding picture and fast show itself automatically to anxious system, became the most welcome number sheet to turn over one of camera.

2.Ni Kang

Ni Kang company released numerous equipment to get the digital camera product that fix eyes upon 2018 likewise. Ni Kang D850 resembled element sensor and excellent low smooth performance high winning wide recognition with its, became professional cameraman people first selection.

3.Suo Ni

Suo Ni's full frame is not had turned over camera to caused sensation 2018, especially Suo Ni A7 III. What this camera resembles quality, fast with its are become outstandingly is automatic made 2018 year to anxious system and excellent low smooth performance the hottest one of digital camera that sell.


Fuji camera is highlighted in the expression on small weak market, especially Fuji X-T3. This camera films with its outstanding video the function is mixed outstanding became broad photography fan automatically to anxious function chase after hold an object in both hands.

5.Suo Ni

Suo Ni has the product that gets attention is RX100 VI another times, camera of this portable number is behaved character with its outstanding picture and versatility photographs in the journey the field is wide suffer reputably.

Choose the guideline of digital camera

  • Understand oneself requirement: Are you lover of professional cameraman, photography or traveler? Diverse demand decided you are right the choice of digital camera.
  • Performance data: Dimension, right like element, sensor the performance data such as anxious system decided camera film expression, the photography requirement that needs him basis undertakes choosing.
  • Experience try out: Before buying digital camera, best the feel that can understand watch for an opportunity through real operation and operation experience.
  • The budget thinks: The price is one of factors that when choosing digital camera, must consider, come according to oneself budget alternative price compares highest camera.

Adopt the pop chart of the article and guideline of choose and buy, believe you had spent digital camera market to have clearer knowledge to 2018 years. Hope the article can help you, thank you read!
