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  • 制定教育发展规划:根据自治区政府的整体发展规划,制定教育工作的发展规划,推动教育事业全面、协调、可持续发展。
  • 推进教育改革:积极探索教育改革的有效路径,推动教育教学模式创新,促进教育教学质量不断提升。
  • 教育资源整合:合理配置和整合教育资源,优化资源配置结构,推进教育均衡发展。
  • 促进师资队伍建设:加强教师队伍建设和培训,提高教师整体素质,推进教育教学水平整体提升。
  • 加强对各级教育机构的管理:加强对学校的指导、监督和评估,推动各级各类教育机构办学质量提升。



  • 少数民族教育:针对新疆地区的少数民族特点和需求,加大对少数民族地区教育的支持力度,推进民族地区教育均衡发展。
  • 职业教育:重视职业教育的发展,培养适应当地经济发展需求的技术人才,为地方经济发展和社会稳定做出贡献。
  • 教育国际化:积极开展教育国际交流与合作,推动教育国际化发展,促进新疆地区教育水平与国际接轨。
  • 教育信息化:推进教育信息化建设,利用现代信息技术手段改善教育教学环境,提高教育教学质量。





Xinjiang teachs the constituent framework of hall

Xinjiang education office is the function branch of municipal government, the program that basically is in charge of a municipality teaching the job, policy is made and carry out. Educational office sets mechanism and subordinate system, include human affairs place, education the many function branch such as department of education of censorial office, foundation, higher education place.

Xinjiang teachs the duty of hall

Xinjiang teachs the main responsibility of hall to include:

  • Make education develop a program: Develop a program according to the whole of municipal government, establish the development program that teachs the job, promote educational enterprise comprehensive, harmonious, can develop continuously.
  • Push educational reform: Active exploration teachs the efficient way of reform, promote innovation of educational education mode, quality of stimulative education education promotes ceaselessly.
  • Teach resource conformity: Reasonable configuration and conformity teach resource, optimize resource to configure a structure, advance education balanced development.
  • Stimulative faculty builds: Strengthen a teacher to the team is built and groom, improve pedagogic whole quality, advance whole of educational education level to promote.
  • Strengthen the management of pair of various education orgnaizations: The guidance that strengthens pair of schools, supervise and evaluate, drive promotion of managerial mass of orgnaization of various and of all kinds education.

Xinjiang teachs the working focal point of hall

In recent years, xinjiang teachs hall to pay close attention to the following respects mainly in teaching the job:

  • Minority education: Be aimed at the minority characteristic of Xinjiang area and demand, increase the supportive strength that teachs to minority area, advance ethical region to teach balanced evolution.
  • Professional education: Take the evolution that the profession teachs seriously, education gets used to local economy to recruit the technical talented person of demand, make contribution for local economy progress and social stability.
  • Educational internationalization: Begin educational international communication and collaboration actively, promote educational internationalization development, stimulative Xinjiang area teachs level and international to conform.
  • Educational informatization: Advance educational informatization construction, use contemporary IT method to improve educational education environment, improve educational education quality.

Xinjiang teachs the future of hall to look into

In future, xinjiang teachs hall to will continue to devote oneself to to optimize configuration of educational natural resources, promote education balanced development, strengthen the development of fundamental education, profession education and higher education, stimulative education modernization, develop more and outstanding person with ability, the great progress that is Xinjiang and social progress contribute force.

Thank you to read the article, understanding Xinjiang teachs the function of hall and development way, hope the article can teach hall to be helped somewhat to Xinjiang for you.

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