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Mental health of children staying behind teachs a plan

Children staying behind is to show parents goes out for a long time Wu labour, leave dissatisfaction the phenomenon that the children of 16 one full year of life settles in rural and other places. As a result of the long-term depart, company that lacks parents and education, problem of mental health of children staying behind causes a society to pay close attention to increasingly. Achieve more comprehensive progress to help them, make mental health of a children staying behind teach a plan to appear particularly important.

Above all, education plans to need to pay close attention toMental health of children staying behindcore problem. Lack domestic care for a long time, children staying behind often arises more easily alone, angst, self-abased wait for psychological problem. Accordingly, educational plan should pay close attention to mainly how to help them build pride, enhance psychological tenacity and the ability that answer difficulty.

Next, education plans to need with a view to to offerOverall mental health is taught. This includes the mental health problem of pair of children staying behind to undertake science is unscrambled, guide them correct him look upon domestic situation, train active state of mind, the society when facing dilemma appeals. In the meantime, also want to enhance their knowledge to mental health, teach them how to adjust mood, maintain psychological balance.

The 3rd, education plans to need to pay attention toOf family and society cooperate. Besides the mental health education of the school, family and community also should take an active part in the mental health of children staying behind to teach the job, help them establish healthy domestic relationship, extend social association, increase social support, let them can experience love and warmth in family and society.

Finally, teach the executive need of the planArouse social force. Of government, school, organism and wide big volunteer participate in will be education of mental health of children staying behind to provide more resource and support, form resultant force.

The place on put together is narrated, education of mental health of children staying behind plans make and carry out involve many aspects, must the demand of mature different level, and need each square joint efforts. Be like this only, ability helps children staying behind effectively overcome psychological predicament, health grows.

Thank you to read the article, believe to adopt this comprehensive education the plan is analytic, to ensuring children staying behind mental health will have more intimate knowledge and understanding.

