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The situation south Gansu is awaited compatibly

The area austral the Gansu that is located in south of the Gansu Province, be located in the Dong Lu of mountain range of mountain of the Qin Dynasty, have rich rich and individual situation. Here climate is delightful, the four seasons is trenchant, the summer is cool, winter is mild, it is the superexcellent place to go that be away for the summer holidays.

The natural landscape south Gansu

The area austral Gansu is famed with magnificent natural sight, gu Bingchuan of mountain range of mountain of the Qin Dynasty, natural karst landforms, chiliad strong beautiful landscape, make the paradise that here becomes outdoors motion and expeditionary fan. Not only such, habitats of a variety of wild vivid floral still are south Gansu, protect favorable zoology environment to attracting lover of numerous and natural zoology.

The historical culture south Gansu

As one of birthplace of the Chinese nation, the area austral Gansu has long historical culture. From of old, here is the main component of the Huanghe valley, the main thoroughfare of ancient the Silk Road ever was on the history. The history south Gansu left rich culture legacy, the historical architecture such as old city wall, ancient cloister, ancient dorp is vestigial can be found everywhere.

The characteristic cate south Gansu

It is south Gansu, you cannot miss characteristic cate of place absolutely. The fragrance of traditional and fastfood cate such as food of face of the hotpot austral the acerbity noodles in soup here, Gansu, Qiao face is tangy, lick one's chaps making a person. In addition, local characteristic farming by-product also is the treasure that cannot miss, the " of healthful candied date or jujube of " Yellow River, " of distinctive local color the have everything that one expects to find such as " of 4 arris bean curd.

The travel south Gansu experiences

No matter be to seek natural view, experience long history, still sample pure cate, you can bring south Gansu another viatic experience. The mountain-climbing, pedestrian, photography, stay away from home that finds ancient, cate... the travel line that here is having all sorts of different themes, satisfy the requirement of different traveler.

Thank you to read this article, those who hope to be able to bring pair of districts austral Gansu for you is brand-new understanding, arouse you the yearning affection of mysterious to this land.
