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根据数据统计,2021年中国乘用车销量在各个细分市场都有着明显的变化,尤其是销量前三名。以轿车为例,2021年销量前三名分别是特斯拉Model 3、大众速腾和丰田卡罗拉。

特斯拉Model 3

特斯拉Model 3一直以来受到消费者的追捧,其优异的性能和续航里程成为了销量增长的主要动力。另外,在2021年,特斯拉在中国不断扩大生产和销售网络,也为其销量持续走高提供了有力支持。









The market is overall circumstance

2021 is the key that Chinese car market grows a year, be affected with what global semiconductor is in short supply by new coronal epidemic situation, integral market sales volume appeared to fluctuate, and the car is consumed also produced a series of change with demand structure.

Before sales volume 3 are analysed

According to data statistic, china multiplied the sales volume that use a car to there is apparent change in each fractionize markets 2021, especially before sales volume 3. It is with the car exemple, before sales volume 3 v/arc a person's status were fastened 2021 is tesla Model 3, masses fast Tian Ka collect pulls Teng Hefeng.

Tesla Model 3

Tesla Model 3 all the time since get of consumer chase after hold in both hands, its superior performance and add boat course of development became the main motive force that sales volume increases. Additional, 2021, tesla enlarges production and sale network ceaselessly in China, also went tall to provide strong support continuously for its sales volume.

The masses fast vacate

The masses fast the person that vacate the outstanding that is Chinese car market all the time, its stable character and wide market are approbated degree make have higher sales volume continuously firstly. Be in especially 2021, as model of new energy resources roll out in succession, the masses fast vacate showed stronger competition ability in the market.

Feng Tian blocks Luo La

Feng Tian blocks Luo La all the time since it is the classical model in Chinese consumer memory, its steady performance and durable character suffer praise highly fully all the time. 2021, feng Tian blocks Luo La to innovate to be optimized with the product through lasting, maintained good market performance, consolidated further the position of before sales volume 3.

Will not look into

As the trend that the rapid development of car of new energy resources and consumption upgrade, the China 2022 will continue to face new challenge and opportunity by the market that use a car. The demand that consumer pledges to the product quantity and intelligence change configuration will be more outstanding, and each old car company also will increase innovation and strength of research and development, in order to satisfy the constant change of the market.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article understands you China multiplied rank of the sales volume that use a car to be helped somewhat 2021.

