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郑州旅游指南 | 郑州旅游必备攻略大揭秘英文双语对照


郑州旅游指南 | 郑州旅游必备攻略大揭秘英文双语对照








  • 黄河风景区: 是中国著名的风景区之一,黄河三峡景色壮丽,黄河文化博大精深。
  • 郑州博物馆: 是中国著名的博物馆之一,收藏着丰富多样的历史文物,展示着河南悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。
  • 白马寺: 是中国历史最悠久的寺院之一,建于东汉末年。







Zhengzhou travel setting

Regard Henan as the provincial capital city of the province, zhengzhou is red-blooded the city that insides information with the history. This city is having rich culture legacy not only, still have distinctive cate and view. Zhengzhou is located in China mid, communication is easy, it is a travel famous scenic spot that fills glamour.

Optimal travel time

Zhengzhou climate is friendly, the four seasons is trenchant. The Zhengzhou climate of year time is delightful, it is optimal travel period of time. In addition, annual came in April the gold that October also is Zhengzhou travel is seasonal.

Traffic guideline

Zhengzhou owns the traffic network that develop, having busy railway station and modern airport. The tourist that heads for Zhengzhou can choose to take Gao Tie, plane long-distance perhaps car. Inside Zhengzhou city, the subway, public transportation with the taxi very convenience also.

Need You Jing is nodded

  • Yellow River beauty spot: It is one of China's famous beauty spot, the Yellow River 3 gorge scenery is gallant, yellow River culture is broad and profound.
  • Zhengzhou museum: It is one of China's famous museum, collecting the historical cultural relic of rich diversity, revealing the history with long Henan and bright culture.
  • White Ma Si: It is one of fane with Chinese the longest history, build at last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Characteristic cate

Zhengzhou cate has distinguishing feature alone, having grumous local culture flavor. Taste cate to include seedling of taro of hotpot of Henan braise face, braise, candy to wait surely.

Shopping guideline

The shopping place of Zhengzhou is numerous, having the small commodities of all sorts of characteristic and handicraft. Travel in Zhengzhou, can head for 27 square, the shopping place such as shopping centers experiences great city, Dennis shopping amorous feelings of place.

Thank you to read this article, hope these travel strategies are in to you the scheduling of Zhengzhou and travel experience are helped somewhat.

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