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  1. 长城:作为中华民族的重要象征,长城自古就是中国的旅游胜地之一,依然吸引着海内外的游客。
  2. 故宫:作为明清两代的皇家宫殿,故宫凝聚了丰富的历史文化,成为许多游客向往的地方。
  3. 颐和园:颐和园是中国古典园林的杰作,以其独特的设计和美丽的景色吸引着众多游客的目光。





2021 year China is the most welcome tourist attraction pop chart

Develop ceaselessly and expand as tourism, more and more person selected choose go sightseeing to each district travel, seek the local customs of different place and natural view. Choose travel destination for convenient and broad tourist, was 2021 below China is the most welcome tourist attraction pop chart:

  1. The Great Wall: Those who serve as the Chinese nation is important and indicative, the Great Wall is one of travel resorts of China since ancient times, still attracting global tourist.
  2. The Imperial Palace: Regard bright Qing Dynasty as the royal palace of two generation, the Imperial Palace condensed rich historical culture, become a lot of tourists' yearning place.
  3. The Summer Palace: The Summer Palace is the classic of Chinese classic gardens, with its unique design and beautiful scenery are drawing the look of numerous tourist.

Besides above tourist attraction, still a lot of other domestic travel famous scenic spots also accept tourist favour fully, include group of channel of 9 stockaded village, Huang Shan, Home Zhang to wait. These tourist attractions have distinguishing feature each, having different historical setting and natural view, provided the travel experience of rich and colorful for broad tourist.

Through understanding these welcome tourist attractions, tourists can choose to suit his travel destination better, experience the local customs of different district, abound oneself journey to experience.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can help you plan his viatic journey better through these information.
