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  • 通风换气:春天室内也要保持空气流通,可以打开窗户定期通风换气,提高空气质量。
  • 室内植物:放置一些绿色植物可以净化空气,增加室内湿度。
  • 避免过敏:定期清洁家里的角落和床上用品,减少过敏源。
  • 环境清洁:及时清理家中死角,防止霉菌滋生。


  • 清淡饮食:春季适当清淡饮食,多吃蔬菜水果,减少油腻食物的摄入。
  • 防过敏食物:注意避免食用易引发过敏的食物,如海鲜、花生等。
  • 适当补水:春季气温逐渐升高,要适当补充水分,多喝温水、茶水。
  • 避免生冷食物:春季气候变化大,要避免食用生冷食物,以免伤害脾胃。


  • 防晒:春季阳光较强,外出需做好防晒措施,可以戴上太阳镜、戴遮阳帽。
  • 运动:春季适宜户外运动,如慢跑、散步等,提高身体免疫力。
  • 穿衣保暖:春天气温变化大,早晚温差较大,要及时增减衣物,防止感冒。



Meet spring, small Tie Shicheng lives with respect to health

Spring, warm sunshine, fresh and tender greenery, it is the season that everythings on earth anabiosises. However, spring also is easy when producing a few common diseases, for instance allergic, cold. Meet spring better to help great master, we arranged 100 rich and colorful [spring life little skill] , the hope can help everybody meet a more healthy, happy spring.

Indoor life little common sense

  • Ventilated take a breath: Spring is indoor also should maintain airiness, can open a window fixed and ventilated take a breath, improve air quality.
  • Houseplant: Place a few greenery to be able to purify air, increase indoor humidity.
  • Avoid allergy: The corner in fixed and clean home and bedding, reduce allergic source.
  • Environmental cleanness: Clear in time the blind angle in the home, prevent mould to cause.

Xiaochang knows dietary health

  • Delicate food: Spring is proper and delicate food, eat vegetable fruit more, reduce fat alimental to absorb.
  • Prevent allergic food: The attention avoids edible easy the food that causes allergy, wait like seafood, earthnut.
  • Fill appropriately water: Spring air temperature lifts gradually, want proper and compensatory moisture content, drink Wen Shui, boiled water more.
  • Avoid food of raw or cold food: Spring climate change is big, want to avoid food of edible raw or cold food, lest harm taste.

Xiaochang knows outdoors activity

  • Prevent bask in: Spring sunshine is stronger, go out need to had been done prevent bask in measure, can wear sunglass, wear sunshade hat.
  • Motion: Spring is appropriate and outdoors motion, if canter, take a walk etc, enhance body immunity power.
  • Clad heat preservation: Spring enrages lukewarm change big, difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger, want clothing and other articles of daily use of seasonable increase and decrease, prevent a cold.

Of hope above [spring life little skill] can help everybody spend a health, easy spring, prevent or decrease all sorts of unwell. Thank everybody to read, hope these are small stick person can bring a help to you.

