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Foreword: The glamour of nature chest

Nature chest, just as its name implies, it is the chest that makes for main raw material with natural material, aim to let live in an environment to be close to nature more, bring the more healthy, more comfortable experience that occupy the home to people. Environmental protection and healthy trend are paid attention to to fall nowadays, nature chest suffers fully fix eyes upon. So, nature chest after all how? Let us explore its glamour together.

Material chooses character: The glamour of natural lumber

The material of nature chest chooses natural lumber commonly character, wait like wood of oak, deal, Ju, these lumber are the natural material that handles through environmental protection, do not contain harmful material, send out a pure and fresh woodiness aroma, promoted indoor air quality greatly. With the man-made that common chest place uses board photograph is compared, the natural lumber of nature chest can maintain the balance of indoor humidity better, more beneficial to human body health.

Design a style: The aesthetic feeling of nature of press close to

The design style of nature chest goes after nature of contracted, press close to, the chest of log color brings plain, pure and fresh visual perception to suffer to the person. Chest of a few nature still meets those who join natural grain reveal, letting furniture itself is a natural beautiful artwork. In addition, the design of nature chest is paid attention to practical, link contemporary household demand, often have intelligence store content, but custom-built wait for a characteristic, add the qualitative touch with a convenient warmth for household.

Environmental protection is healthy: The choice of natural environmental protection

Nature chest pledges in material not only on environmental protection, and also pay attention to environmental protection health more on manufacturing technology. Use coating of ability in swimming, wait for environmental protection material without formaldehyde glue, reduced harmful gas greatly release, created the more healthy environment that occupy the home to the family. In addition, nature chest place sends out the natural woodiness sweet smell that give is thought to conduce to loosen body and mind, purify air, get the favour of increasing person.


Nature chest the characteristic that with its qualitative, press close to designs natural talent naturally to protect health with annulus, became contemporary household illuminative one large window. Choose nature chest, one kind be pair of household environments not only is caressed, it is a kind of greeting to nature more. Let us add the environmental protection, comfortable life that occupy the home together, choose nature chest, build the life space of a more healthy, warmth for oneself and domestic person.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the fascination that understands nature chest, you can choose to suit the annulus that you live in to protect healthy furniture better, the family that is you is brought more comfortable with happiness.

