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  • 学术背景:拥有博士学位,具有国际知名学术成就,或者在国内外相关领域有较高的学术声誉。
  • 管理经验:曾在知名大学或相关行业担任重要管理职务,有丰富的管理经验和成功案例。
  • 政治素质:秉持正确的政治方向,拥护党的教育方针,具有良好的政治素养。
  • 学校推荐:得到学校师生和其他管理人员的广泛认可和支持。



  • 候选人提名:候选人可以是校内教授或外部知名人士,由学校内部提名。
  • 遴选小组评审:学校组织遴选小组,对候选人进行资格审查和初步评审。
  • 公示:公示通过后,对候选人进行公开面试和宣讲。
  • 最终选拔:学校相关部门根据遴选小组的评审结果和公开面试情况,最终确定校长人选。




Officer of university of central finance and economics holds a post longly condition

President of university of central finance and economics is the highest controller of the school, need has rich administrative experience and deep scientific attainments. Generally speaking, candidate needs to have the following requirement:

  • Academic setting: Have a doctor's degree, have international famous scholarship, there perhaps is taller academic reputation in domestic and international relevant domain.
  • Manage experience: Ever held the position of fundamental government post in famous university or relevant industry, have rich administrative experience and successful case.
  • Political quality: Grasp run right political way, support the educational policy of the party, have good political accomplishment.
  • The school recommends: Those who get school teachers and students and other administrator is extensive approbate and support.

The choose program of president of university of central finance and economics

The choose program of president of university of central finance and economics experiences the following measure commonly:

  • Candidate nominates: Candidate can be the professor inside school or exterior and well-known public figure, nominate by school interior.
  • Choose group evaluation: School organization selects a group, undertake qualification test and preliminary evaluation to candidate.
  • Fair show: Fair show after passing, undertake to candidate interview is mixed publicity explain to public.
  • Final choose: Sectional basis chooses the evaluation result of the group and open interview case related the school, decide president person selected finally.

Carry above technological process, the president person selected of university of central finance and economics will ensure through firm order and program final president is the person above average on learning and management.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries the article, you can understand what old school of central finance and economics grows to choose a program and level more.

