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  • 1. 先进的科技展示手段:四川科技馆采用了虚拟现实、全息投影、交互式展示等多种先进技术,使得科技知识更加生动、直观。
  • 2. 丰富多彩的科技体验项目:游客可以参与各种实验、模拟操作,亲身感受科学原理,体验科技魅力。
  • 3. 多样化的科普宣教活动:四川科技馆定期举办科普讲座、亲子互动活动,推动科技知识的普及与传播。








Be located in the city of forward position of science and technology as, house of Sichuan science and technology is bearing the weight of glamour of infinite science and technology and intellectual experience. It is shirt-sleeve advanced science and technology reveals a shift, attracting countless tourists to come round to explore the future of science and technology, experience the glamour of science and technology.

Exhibit house general situation

House of Sichuan science and technology is located in center of the Chengdu City, cover an area of an area capacious, the establishment inside the house is top-ranking. The interior that exhibit a house differentiates to exhibit an area for many themes, covered the content of science and technology of the many domains such as physics, chemical, biology, IT. The science and technology that the experiment shows area, alternant experience area and popular science knowledge to explained an area to bring rich and colorful for the tourist experiences.

Exhibit house window

  • 1.Advanced science and technology reveals a shift: House of Sichuan science and technology used holographic and virtual reality, umbriferous, seesaw pattern to reveal wait for a variety of advanced techniques, make knowledge of science and technology more vivid, intuitionistic.
  • 2.The science and technology of rich and colorful experiences a project: The tourist can participate in operation of all sorts of experiments, imitate, experience scientific principle personally, experience glamour of science and technology.
  • 3.The activity of popular science propaganda and education of diversification: House of Sichuan science and technology holds popular science regularly lecture, close child interactive activity, drive knowledge of science and technology gain ground with transmission.

Visiting experience

The tourist can follow the step as knowledge of science and technology in house of Sichuan science and technology, be enmeshed in the world of prospective science and technology. Be in imperceptible in, the tourist can appreciate the infinite charm that brings to science and technology, feel the speed that progresses to science and technology and power. In the meantime, house of Sichuan science and technology also is each ages paragraph the explanation of science and technology that the tourist offerred major serves, let everybody understand knowledge of science and technology better.


House of Sichuan science and technology serves as a confluence the house of omnibus science and technology of science and technology, culture and education, it is the citizen understanding science and technology, good place that experiences glamour of science and technology not only, it is to drive science and technology to popularize the main platform with transmission more. It knowledge of science and technology vivid enjoyably presents the masses, guide everybody to pay close attention to science and technology, have deep love for science and technology, be benefited from which.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes house of understanding Sichuan science and technology, you can experience the glamour of science and technology better, also can mix in prospective study, job the understanding that pair of science and technology deepen in the life and understanding.
