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Spring preserve one's health, affect children health

As vernal arrival, immune force of the child restores gradually, but also facing a few healthy hidden danger at the same time. Spring preserve one's health grows to the health of children crucial, because this parents need to know the scientific knowledge of preserve one's health of a few spring and method, help child spends a healthy spring.

Healthy diet, nutrition is balanced

Spring air temperature gradually get warm again after a cold spell, dietary demand of the child also can change somewhat. Right now, should feed the child more fresh vegetable and fruit, notice much more compensatory vitamin is mixed mineral, maintain nutrition balanced. In addition, want to avoid child edible to stimulate food tartly too much, lest create a burden to digestion, the influence is healthy.

Reasonable work and rest, enough sleep

Spring is the season that everythings on earth anabiosises, sunny. Parents can look after children to outdoors have right amount outdoors activity, increase physical ability to use up, also conduce to the Morpheus of stimulative child at the same time. Enough sleep is helpful for the child not only grow development, still can enhance immune power, grow to the child's health crucial.

Strengthen physical training, enhance strength

Spring climate is delightful, suit children to undertake physical training. Parents can look after children to outdoors have proper campaign, canter for instance, by bike, play a ball game etc, enhance a constitution, increase strength. Reasonable motion can promote metabolism, enhance immune power, conduce to the child healthy.

The attention strikes a proper balance between work and rest, vigilant overfatigue

Spring climate change is bigger, air temperature rises and fall errant, child easy catch cold catch cold catchs a cold. Want to notice to strike a proper balance between work and rest right now, in avoiding to make the child long expose the environment in chill, catch a cold in case. In the meantime, also want vigilant overfatigue, in avoiding to let the child is learning and live excessive overworked.

Adopt method of scientific spring preserve one's health, can help the child enhance immune power, stimulative health grows. Hope each parents can pay close attention to spring preserve one's health of the child, make them healthy grow happily.

Thank you read, hope this article is helped somewhat to you.
