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1. 东坡肉


2. 糖醋排骨


3. 京杭大运河糕点


4. 蟹粉汤包


5. 清蒸鱼


6. 狮子头


7. 扬州炒饭


8. 南京盐水鸭


9. 糖醋小排


10. 南京炖鸭





River South America feeds culture

Changjiang Delta cate with its delicate, melting, delicate be good at, the history is long, of long standing and well established. Regard Changjiang Delta as the delegate of the area, jiangsu cate is attracting countless cate lover with its distinctive cooking method and rich dietary culture. Here, we will introduce Jiangsu for you 10 eat cate surely greatly, make you all-around understand the fascination of Jiangsu cate.

1.East slope flesh

Slope flesh is one of dish of name of Changjiang Delta tradition east, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender sweet glutinous, mouthfeel is admirable, because of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of the Southern Song Dynasty Su Shi of everybody, writer and get a name. Of Changzhou east slope flesh is to be famous in great reputation more,

2.Sweet and sour spareribs

Sweet and sour spareribs is dish of name of Jiangsu tradition place, cooking technology is masterly, mouthfeel is rotten and not be bored with, acid is sweet goluptious. Its make exquisite duration and burden, taste acerbity sweet moderate, very appetizing.

3.Cake of Beijing Hangzhou the Grant Canal

Cake of Beijing Hangzhou the Grant Canal is the traditional cake that Jiangsu has distinguishing feature alone, it is a delegate with catchment of the Grant Canal, the antique craft that make and taste are distinctive, the various cake that is a center with Nanjing especially is more delicate and goluptious.

4.Crab meat dumpling

The characteristic that crab meat dumpling is Jiangsu area is fastfood, cortical white thin, inside defect delicacy is sweet, it is famous master shrine fastfood. Flesh of will bright crab and pig meat stuffing make stuffing expect together, include the tender tips of bamboo shoots of chop and Xianggu mushroom again, qing Dynasty is sweet tastily, having a unique style.

5.Steamed fish

Steamed fish is dish of Jiangsu tradition name, choose fresh live fish, the tie-in and right amount green when evaporate is made, ginger, garlic, in hold cruelly oppress raw ingredient while, go besides fishlike smell, cruelly oppress is delicious and fresh and tender, goluptious.

6.Large meatball

Large meatball is one of classical name dish of Jiangsu dish, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, mouthfeel is distinctive, having extremely high nutrition value. The colour and lustre after fleshy bolus is boiled alcohol of flavour of bright-coloured, Shang Qing, flesh is qualitative delicious.

7.Yangzhou fries a meal

Yangzhou fries generation of bridge of meal traceable the Southern Dynasties, the history is long, it is the traditional name that Jiangsu is omiting a name eats. Yangzhou fries a meal to choose makings fastidious, duration is accurate, bead bead is trenchant, mouthfeel is distinctive.

8.Nanjing brine duck

Briny duck is the traditional name dish of Nanjing, it is raw material with flesh of high grade duck, the flesh is qualitative delicate, relaxed, have distinctive small salty mouthfeel, aroma is inviting.

9.Sweet-and-sour small

Sweet-and-sour small platoon results from Suzhou, it is dish of name of Changjiang Delta tradition, outside crisp in tender, colour and lustre is golden, acid is sweet goluptious, labial tine stays sweet.

10.Nanjing stews duck

The Nanjing duck that stew is dish of Nanjing traditional name, anthology makings fastidious, make rigorous, the flesh is qualitative delicious, shang Zhixian is sweet, nutrition is rich, love by deadbeat.

Jiangsu cate is shirt-sleeve district culture and gust characteristic, with its the masterly craft that make, delicious mouthfeel won deadbeat people consistent reputably. Welcome you to come what Jiangsu exhibits the tip of the tongue to go up is delicate, experience this distinctive culture glamour.

Thank you to read the article, hope this article can understand Jiangsu cate to bring a help for you.

