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如何选择适合孩子的幼儿园 | 育儿指南英文双语对照


如何选择适合孩子的幼儿园 | 育儿指南英文双语对照



1. 了解幼儿园的教育理念和课程设置


2. 观察幼儿园的师资力量和教学设施


3. 了解幼儿园的安全保障措施和卫生情况


4. 与其他家长交流,了解口碑和经验





How to choose to suit the child's nursery school

Choosing the nursery school that suits the child is the important decision that every parent needs to be treated seriously, because nursery school is opposite not only,the study of child future and life are having main effect, the health of body and mind that also matters to the child directly and growing environment. It is the proposal of nursery school of a few choices below.

1.Understand the educational concept of nursery school and curricular setting

Above all, the parent needs to understand the educational concept of nursery school and curricular setting, ensure its accord with the expectation that its teach to the child. A few parents hope the child accepts more art and sports course in nursery school, and the education that another some of parent may value academic quality more. Accordingly, when choosing nursery school, should teach a concept to determine suitable educational content according to the child's individual character and family.

2.Observe the force of persons qualified to teach of nursery school and education establishment

Force of persons qualified to teach and education establishment are the main index that measures a nursery school to teach quality. The parent can adopt visiting nursery school, observe and know education means of the teacher and attitude, and the education establishment of nursery school and safety precaution are perfect. These elements matter to the child learning in nursery school and life quality.

3.The safety that knows nursery school ensures measure and wholesome condition

The child's safety and health are the problem that the parent cares most, accordingly, the need when choosing nursery school understands its safety to ensure measure to whether be perfected, wait like fire control establishment, safe passageway; Pay close attention to the wholesome circumstance of nursery school at the same time, include sanitation of food safety, toilet to wait, ensure the child gets ensuring in the health of nursery school.

4.With other parent communication, understand public praise and experience

And other the parent communication that there has been experience in this nursery school, the public praise that understands nursery school and experience also are the important reference that chooses nursery school. Can pass community group group, parent can wait for channel, get more the information about nursery school, make more well-advised decision thereby.

The place on put together is narrated, the parent of nursery school need that chooses to suit the child considers integratedly to teach force of concept, persons qualified to teach, safety to ensure measure and public praise experience to wait for respect element, be the child thereby lay good foundation into swat.

Thank you to read the article, hope these suggest to be able to help you choose to suit the child's nursery school better, those who be the child grow escort the Emperor convoy.

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