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In the life, sudden emergency treatment circumstance avoids hard, and how much do we understand again to these emergency treatment knowledge? Master little common sense of a few common life emergency treatment, can in time handle emergency not only, still can avoid a lot of needless harm effectively. Next, let us know a few common life emergency treatment together little common sense.

The heart stops suddenly

Below the case that stays suddenly in the heart, every minutes of every second is crucial. If encounter a heart to stop a patient suddenly, should ensure above all safe, dial emergency treatment telephone instantly. Next, begin to undertake heart lungs anabiosises art (CPR) . Find sternal lower edge, alternate make a fist, press forcibly press bosom, minutely 100-120 second. In the meantime, if the condition allows, outside can using automatic system, divide quiver implement (AED) , undertake operating according to the specification.


Choking is a kind of common emergency treatment circumstance, go up in infant body especially. Should encounter choking patient, should let them bow above all pitch, pat its back with handle gently. If disable, can have artificial breath or press outside the bosom press art. In the meantime, dial emergency treatment telephone as soon as possible, take other and corresponding step.


Drowning is a kind of common accident, fall in the circumstance with the frequent activity on summertime water especially. Once discover somebody drowns, should ensure above all oneself safety, rescue them instantly next, rescue the person that drown from inside water. The person that will drown is put on stable floor, undertake CPR, dial emergency treatment telephone in time at the same time and seek professional help.

High fever convulsion

Below high temperature weather, convulsion of incidental high fever, the patient can appear have a headache, the symptom such as disgusting, vomiting. Answer to transfer the patient shady and cool part instantly right now, unlock its clothings, give water cool and refreshingly, be in with moist towel or ice bag apply at the same time forehead or cervical, hypothermia. If the symptom is serious, should instantly go to a doctor.

Acknowledgment is read

Through knowing common life emergency treatment Xiaochang is known, we are OK more easy ground answers sudden circumstance, avoid accident happening effectively. Hope these knowledge can help you in the moment of truth.

