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1. 了解顾客需求:家居导购员首先要耐心倾听顾客的需求和想法,帮助顾客明确自己的购买目的。

2. 提供产品展示:根据顾客需求,家居导购员会向顾客展示相应的产品,介绍产品的特点和优势。

3. 解答疑问:顾客可能会有关于产品功能、使用方法、保养等方面的疑惑,家居导购员需要耐心解答,提供专业的指导。

4. 协助决策:针对顾客所关注的产品,家居导购员应给予建议,协助顾客进行购买决策。







Household guides the working duty of the member that buy

Guide as household the member that buy, they basically are in charge of offerring household to seek advice and be recommended of the product for the client. The character that they need to understand all sorts of household products, material qualitative, use method and tie-in skill, so that can offer professional shopping proposal for the client.

Live in the ability that guides the member that buy should be had

Household guides the member that buy needs to have good communication capacity, the demand of client of OK and accurate understanding offers professional proposal. In addition, they still need to have more thorough knowledge to living in tendency of the market, so that master market trends at any time, update a product in time to recommend.

Household guides the service flow of the member that buy

1.Understand customer demand: Household guides the member that buy wants to listen the client's demand and think of a way patiently above all, help what the client makes clear him buy an end.

2.Offer a product to reveal: According to customer demand, household guides the member that buy can show corresponding product to the client, introduce the characteristic of the product and advantage.

3.Solve doubt: The client may be concerned at product function, use method, maintain the doubt that waits for a respect, household guides the member that buy needs to be solved patiently, provide professional guidance.

4.Assistance is decision-making: Be aimed at the product that client place pays close attention to, household guides the member that buy should offer a proposal, assist a client to undertake buying decision-making.

Household guides the profession of the member that buy develops prospect

Live to character as people of demand rise ceaselessly, household guides the professional perspective of the member that buy will be more wide. In the meantime, the development of hypostatic inn below electric business and line also guides for household the member that buy offerred more obtain employment opportunities.


Household guides the member that buy is making comfortable household there is important role in the life, the household product that their professional guidance and service can help a client choose to suit his most, promote the life quality thereby.

Thank you to read the article, hope you can guide to household the job of the member that buy has more thorough knowledge, can obtain better help when shop.
