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  • 在南疆旅行前,请提前了解目的地的气候和特色风俗,做好相应的准备。
  • 尊重当地的宗教风俗,不得随意进入清真寺或触摸宗教场所。
  • 保护环境,不随意丢弃垃圾,保持旅游地的清洁和原貌。
  • 购买当地特色土特产时,注意选择正规商店购买,避免购买假冒伪劣产品。



Na Jiang scenery is picturesque

Xinjiang is located in Chinese northwest to border area, it is a place that has attractive scenery and long history. And the bright phearl of a bright that Na Jiang area is Xinjiang more, before gorgeous natural scene and individual folk-custom amorous feelings are attracting countless tourists, its are sought. Na Jiang area includes assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting, do and other places with Er of library of assorted of cropland, tower, have the ethical folk-custom of the desert of gallant snow mountain, length and breadth of land and oasis, rich and colorful, can calls the travel that is world-class the resort.

Experience different region amorous feelings

Na Jiang area is the area of inhabit a region of the Uygur nationality with Chinese only churchyard, the folkway here is honest, folk-custom much appearance. Tourists can taste savor place bake complete sheep, hand to catch meal, song and dance to wait, experience as disparate as inland different region amorous feelings. In Na Jiang, you can appreciate culture of distinctive ancient the Silk Road, experience multivariate of ethical culture blend.

Seek historical culture

Na Jiang area is having long historical culture, it is one of important node on the Silk Road. The folk-custom amorous feelings that the fine of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting smalls piece of land surrounded by water Er of library of assorted of the Gu Guocheng, He Tianyu with cropland, tower works, it is the historical culture landscape of having a unique style of Na Jiang area. In the meantime, na Jiang area or Chinese churchyard have one of plant division departments of dimensions most, the distinctive vegetation here appears for tourists give strong beautiful natural picture scroll.

Note of Na Jiang travel

  • Before Na Jiang travels, understand the climate of destination and characteristic custom ahead of schedule please, had made corresponding preparation.
  • Respect religious custom of place, must not enter mosque at will or feel religious place.
  • Protect an environment, do not discard at will rubbish, maintain the cleanness of travel ground and former appearance.
  • When buying local characteristic local speciality, the attention chooses regular store to buy, avoid to buy fake product.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the travel of the Na Jiang that hopes to be able to be you provides a few reference and help. Scenery of Na Jiang area is elegant, culture is colorful, believe you can keep unforgettable good memory surely.

