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  • 用火安全:使用明火时要格外小心,避免在易燃物附近使用明火,烹饪后要及时熄灭火源。
  • 电气安全:注意电气线路的敷设和使用,避免线路老化、短路等导致的火灾。
  • 火灾逃生:熟悉家庭的逃生通道和逃生设备,定期进行火灾逃生演练。



  • 道路交通安全:行走在农村道路上要注意车辆的行驶状况,避免发生交通事故。
  • 农业机械安全:使用农机具时,要严格按照操作规程,穿戴好安全防护装备,避免发生机械伤害。
  • 畜力车辆安全:使用畜力车辆时,要保证车辆结构完好,避免过载和疲劳驾驶。



  • 饮用水源:了解家庭饮用水的来源,定期对水源进行检测和维护。
  • 水质安全:关注饮用水的水质情况,对怀疑污染的水源要避免饮用。
  • 饮水设备:保持饮水设备的清洁和安全,定期更换滤芯和消毒设备。



Rural life safety is basic knowledge

A rural area because its distinctive surroundings and working characteristic, put in a few special safe hidden danger and risk. The basic knowledge that knows rural life safety is attached most importance to especially to living in the people of a rural area should. The article will introduce the basic and safe knowledge that must understand in rural life for you, help you prevent accident, the life that guarantees oneself and domestic person is safe.

Rural fire is on guard

In a rural area, as a result of agriculture production and life use internal heat frequent, fire is a kind of common safe hidden trouble. In be on guard fire respect, have the following basic knowledge:

  • With igneous safety: When using bright internal heat, should take care all the more, avoid to use bright internal heat around tinderbox, cooking hind should extinguish igneous cause in time.
  • Electric and safe: Lay and use what note electric line, prevent the circuit ageing, short circuit fire that cause.
  • Fire flees for his life: Of familiar family flee for one's life passageway and flee for one's life equipment, undertake fire flees for his life regularly drilling.

Rural transportation is safe

The traffic safety of a rural area also is the problem that we must take seriously, mix in machinery of road transportation, agriculture especially the risk with bigger presence of respect of traffic of animal power car:

  • Road transportation is safe: Walk to want to notice the travel condition of car on rural way, avoid to produce traffic accident.
  • Agricultural machinery is safe: When use Agricultural Machinery and Implement, want strict according to operating rules, apparel good safety defends equipment, avoid to produce mechanical harm.
  • Animal power car is safe: When car of use animal power, want to make sure car structure is whole, avoid overload and exhaustion to drive.

Rural drinking water is safe

The problem of drinking water safety of a rural area gets attention fully, according to statistic, the case of drinking water pollution of a few areas is relatively severe. Accordingly, ensuring safety of rural drinking water also is a main task:

  • Drinking water source: Understand the origin of domestic drinking water, undertake detect and be maintenanced to fountainhead regularly.
  • Water quality safety: Pay close attention to the water quality circumstance of drinking water, drinkable to suspecting contaminative fountainhead wants to avoid.
  • Water equipment: Maintain water the cleanness of equipment and safety, change regularly filter core and alexipharmic equipment.

Pass the understanding of the article, believed you to have clearer knowledge to rural life safety. The safe problem of a rural area needs us to always pay close attention to, understand basic knowledge adequately only and adopt corresponding precautionary measures, ability ensures the life safety of oneself and family better. Thank you read, hope the article can bring a help for your life.

