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晨间常规: 每天早上送孩子去幼儿园前,家长要确保孩子有充足的睡眠时间。早餐要搭配蛋白质丰富的食物,确保孩子有足够的能量应对一天的学习和活动。在穿戴方面,注意根据天气变化给孩子搭配合适的衣物和鞋袜,以免受凉或过热。

与老师的沟通: 家长在与幼儿园老师沟通时,要多关注孩子的学习和生活状态,及时了解孩子在幼儿园的表现和需求,让老师与家长紧密合作,共同关心孩子的成长。

饮食安排: 家长要合理安排孩子的饮食,避免孩子偏食或挑食,多带孩子尝试蔬菜水果等健康食品,培养孩子良好的饮食习惯。此外,幼儿园也应提供丰富多样的健康食品,确保孩子的营养需求。

课外活动: 定期参加课外活动或组织孩子进行户外运动,这有助于提高孩子的身体素质和社交能力,培养孩子独立自主的品质。




Nursery school Yo little common sense

Nursery school is the important level that children grow, parents often can encounter all sorts of Yo problem, grow happily to make the child healthy, having a few little common sense is very important.

Daystart convention: Send the child to go before nursery school every morning, the parent should ensure the child has enough Morpheus time. Breakfast wants the food with tie-in rich protein, ensure the child has enough energy to answer the one study of the day and activity. In apparel respect, the attention gives the child tie-in and proper clothing and other articles of daily use and footgear according to weather variation, lest catch cold catch cold or overheat.

With the teacher's communication: When the parent is being communicated with nursery school teacher, want to pay close attention to the child's study and life condition more, understand the child expression in nursery school and requirement in time, make teacher and parent close together cooperate, care the child jointly grow.

Dietary arrangement: The parent wants the food of reasonable arrangement child, avoid child partiality for a particular kind of food or carry feed, look after children more the healthy food such as attempt vegetable fruit, develop the child's good food habit. In addition, nursery school also should provide the healthy food of rich diversity, ensure nutrient demand of the child.

Extracurricular activity: Enter extracurricular activity regularly or organize the child to have outdoors campaign, this conduces to the fitness that raises the child and gregarious ability, develop the character that the child paddles his own canoe.

Anyhow, nursery school Yo little common sense is very important, parents should pay close attention to the child's trifling matters of everyday life, assure their life in nursery school and learning environment, let the child grow in joy while, also ground of can healthy healthy and strong grows.

Thank you to read the article, the Yo that hopes the article can be you the road brings a few helps.
