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1. 关注营养成分:选择富含纤维、蛋白质、维生素和矿物质的零食,如水果、蔬菜、全麦产品和坚果。这些食品有助于儿童健康成长,同时能够提供长时间的饱腹感。

2. 避免过多添加剂:选择无添加糖、无添加色素和防腐剂的零食,减少孩子接触不健康的化学物质。清淡、天然的食品更适合儿童的成长。

3. 控制零食份量:过量摄入零食会导致孩子饱食过度,影响其正餐的进食量,从而影响全面营养的摄入。因此,合理控制儿童零食的摄入量是非常重要的。


1. 水果:新鲜水果或水果干是理想的儿童零食选择,富含维生素、矿物质和天然糖分。

2. 蔬菜条:胡萝卜条、黄瓜条等蔬菜的切片是丰富纤维和维生素的零食选择。

3. 酸奶:低脂酸奶是良好的蛋白质和钙的来源,可以作为儿童的营养零食。

4. 坚果:核桃、杏仁等坚果含有健康的脂肪酸和膳食纤维,是适量食用的理想零食。




Children snacks is right healthy importance

Children period is to grow the phase with most crucial development, good nutrition is crucial to their health. However, a lot of snacks contain overmuch sugar cent, salinity and saturation are adipose, long-term edible may increase fat, heart disease and diabetic the risk that waits for chronic illness. Accordingly, the children snacks that chooses healthy nutrition is crucial.

How to choose the children snacks of healthy nutrition?

1.Pay close attention to nutrient composition: The choice contains a lot offiber, protein, vitamin and mineral snacks, be like product of fruit, vegetable, whole wheat and nut. These food conduce to children health growing, can offer long full abdomen sense at the same time.

2.Avoid overmuch additive: The choice is not had add candy, without the snacks that adds pigment and antiseptic, reduce the child to contact insalubrious chemical material. Delicate, natural food suits children more grow.

3.Control snacks deal: Excessive absorbs snacks to be able to bring about child gorge excessive, affect its to eat an amount prandially, affect comprehensive nutrition thereby absorb. Accordingly, the intake of snacks of reasonable control children is very important.

Snacks of common healthy nutrition children

1.Fruit: Fresh fruit or fruit do the children snacks option that is ideal, contain a lot ofvitamin, mineral divide with natural candy.

2.Vegetable: Carrot, cucumber the snacks choice that the section that waits for vegetable is rich fiber and vitamin.

3.Yoghurt: Low fat yoghurt is good protein and calcic origin, can regard the nutrition of children as snacks.

4.Nut: The nut such as walnut, almond contains healthy fatty acid and prandial fiber, it is the good between-meal nibbles of right amount edible.

Through above means the choice accords with the snacks of child nutrition demand, the growth that is beneficial to them development, also can the dietary convention with good nurturance.

Thank you to read the article, hope the children snacks of healthy to the choice nutrition helps above news somewhat.

