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重要性: 对于瘦子来说,增肌最有效的途径是通过力量训练。合理的力量训练不仅可以增加肌肉量,还可以提高基础代谢率,促进脂肪燃烧。

计划: 每周至少进行3-4次全身性的力量训练,包括深蹲、硬拉、卧推、引体向上等综合性动作,每次8-12个重复,3-4组。


重要性: 有氧运动可以提高心肺功能,促进血液循环,增加体能和耐力。对于瘦子来说,有氧运动可以保持身体线条的柔和与流畅。

计划: 每周进行2-3次45分钟的有氧运动,如慢跑、游泳、骑行等,有助于塑造好身材。


重要性: 健康的饮食对于塑造好身材和增加肌肉同样重要。瘦子应注重高蛋白、中碳水化合物、适量脂肪的饮食搭配。

建议: 多摄入鸡胸肉、鸡蛋、瘦牛肉、鱼类以及全麦面包、燕麦、米饭等碳水化合物食物,搭配适量的坚果和橄榄油。




Fitness of a thin person plans: Make healthy and handsome figure

For a thin person that perhaps portrays a figure to wanting to add muscle, it is very important to make appropriate fitness plan. It is a plan of detailed fitness of a thin person below, aim to help you achieve healthy, handsome figure goal.

Target and strategy

To a thin person, gymnastical target includes to increase muscle quality normally, raise healthy level and improvement posture. Accordingly, there are overweight force training and reasonable food to match when making fitness plan.

Force trains

Importance: To a thin person, adding the way with the most efficient flesh is to pass force training. Sound force training can increase muscle amount not only, still can raise basal metabolis rate, promote adipose combustion.

Plan: The power that has sex of 3-4 second whole body at least every week trains, include to crouch greatly, pull forcedly, lie push, the omnibus act such as pull-up, every time 8-12 repeat, 3-4 group.

Have oxygen campaign

Importance: Motion having oxygen can improve heart lungs function, stimulative blood circulates, increase physical ability and staying power. To a thin person, what motion having oxygen can hold body line is downy with fluent.

Plan: Undertake 2-3 every week second motion of 45 minutes having oxygen, if canter, swim, ride to wait all right, conduce to model good figure.

Food is tie-in

Importance: Good to modelling figure mixes healthy diet it is likewise important to add muscle. A thin person should be paid attention to high protein, medium right amount and carbohydrate, adipose food is tie-in.

Proposal: Absorb pigeon breast flesh, egg, lean beef, fish and whole wheat bread, oaten, rice to wait for carbohydrate food more, tie-in and right amount nut and olive oil.

Anyhow, the food that the key that fitness of a thin person plans depends on sound force training, right amount motion having oxygen and health is tie-in. Pass scientific strategy and the effort that perserve only, ability makes a health, handsome figure.

Thank you to read the article, believe this fitness plans to be able to make fitness of reasonable a thin person plan to provide a help for you.
