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1. 北京:探寻中华文明


2. 西安:历史的千年记忆


3. 青岛:海岸线上的度假天堂


4. 三亚:热带海滨风情


5. 黄山:登高望远


6. 桂林:山水如画


7. 张家界:奇峰异石的仙境


8. 厦门:慢生活时光


9. 成都:美食之都


10. 哈尔滨:冰雪王国的童话世界





National Day grows guideline of false go on a journey

National Day long holiday is coming, as one of the most important holiday in a year, the viatic journey that a lot of people had begun him program. No matter you are the person that likes historical culture, still dote on the viatic lover of natural scene, can find the destination that suits oneself in this long holiday. Next, we will introduce the popular tourist attraction during Chinese National Day grows a holiday for you, the hope can give of kink travel place to go you a few inspire.

1.Beijing: Seek China civilization

As Chinese capital, beijing possesses substantial historical culture inside information. The tourist attraction such as Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, Great Wall is the place that goes surely. During National Day, of Beijing each thematic activity that big tourist attraction can roll out rich and colorful, let a tourist be in experience ancient capital lasting appeal while, still can share all sorts of interesting experiences.

2.Xi'an: Historical chiliad is remembered

Xi'anAs ancient capital, have rich history to accumulate. The tourist attraction such as tower of military forces tomb figure, wild goose, Hua Qingchi will take you to pass through spatio-temporal, appreciate the elegant demeanour of chiliad ancient city.

3.Qingdao: On coasting go vacationing heaven

If you like the sea wind of the seaside and beach, QingdaoWill be a right choice. Golden beach, landing stage, 8 close waiting for a tourist attraction is photography lover to hit calorie of famous scenic spot greatly.

4.3 inferior: Intertropical seaside amorous feelings

During National Day, 3 inferiorair temperature still warm, it is to hibernate the good place that go vacationing. Here, what you can enjoy sunshine, beach and ocean wave to bring to the top of one's bent is relaxed and cheerful.

5.Huang Shan: Uprise looks far

Regard Chinese gold as travel circuitry, Huang ShanNatural scene is distinctive, especially the hill scene of autumn is too many beautiful things more. During National Day, here still can conduct all sorts of mountain-climbing sections and folk-custom activity, attracting numerous tourist.

6.Guilin: Landscape is picturesque

Guilin with landscape scene famed, during National Day, the tourist can roam by ship Li river, enjoy the pretty picture of Guilin landscape, experience the wonderful uncanny workmanship of nature.

7.Home Zhang group: The elfland of stone of strange peak different

Home Zhang group with distinctive quartz landscape of sandstone peak forest and famed at the world, during National Day, the scene name a person for a particular job such as hole of the day door hill here, yellow dragon greets a large number of visitors, ramble is in forest on canal, copy is like place oneself elfland.

8.Xiamen: Slow life times

XiamenFamed with slow life, during National Day, and other places of the annulus island road here, island bosomy billow is recreational the good place that go vacationing, those who let you be far from a city is blatant, enjoy recreational time to the top of one's bent.

9.Chengdu: Of cate

Serve as cate, ChengduBesides having long history and culture inside information, more attracting numerous tourist with characteristic cate. During National Day, you can stroll size alley child, savour authentic plain dish, those who experience Chengdu is carefree with satisfied.

10.Harbin: The fairy tale world of kingdom of ice and snow

During National Day, HarbinReturn future to must be reached enter regale of hiemal ice and snow, but the tourist attraction such as macrocosm of the sun island here, ice and snow has begun warm-up, awaiting a tourist arrive at.

Above is guideline of go on a journey of National Day long holiday, the hope can think your journey provides a few reference. No matter you are to like water from a mountain, still advocate historical culture, also or it is angle cate, china is having the destination that suits you. The holiday grows in this, busied one year you also are worth to have a paragraph of relaxed and pleasant journey time.

Thank you read, the National Day journey that hopes guideline of this go on a journey can be you provides trifling help.

