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Pet elf is the game of whole world of a fashionable, the player can act training division in game, develop the force of an adventure with the elf. Become an outstanding pet elf adventurer, need masters particular strategy and skill. This strategy will introduce how to show itself in game in detail for you, the elf that becomes a success trains division.

Choose your initiative elf

In the world of pet elf, choosing initiative elf is very important one step. Different elf has different attribute and technical ability, affecting the direction that takes a risk after you and difficulty. The game style that wants him foundation and be fond of will choose initiative elf, some players like the elf of igneous attribute, some players like water property the elf of careless perhaps attribute.

Foster and train an elf

Successful elf trains division to need to know the elf that how be fostered and trains his. The experience value that can promote an elf fights with feral elf ceaselessly in taking a risk, make they become more powerful. In addition, training division is OK still the capacity that perhaps undertakes through giving an elf stage property special training will promote them, let them learn more and powerful action style.

Master battle skill

In adventure, with other training division feral perhaps elf undertakes the battle is indispensable link. Outstanding training division need masters the photograph between the elf adroitly to the gram concerns and enrol the collocation of type. Apply action type and switch elf reasonably only, ability gains more victories in the battle.

Exploration world

The world of pet elf is very wide, there are a lot of mystical places to awaiting your exploration inside. Exploration world can discover more and rare elf and hidden treasure, also can challenge more training division at the same time, promote oneself actual strength.

Hand in friend to interact

In the process that makes outstanding pet elf adventurer, handing in friend to interact also is very important one link. With other training division group group challenges carbon, exchange elf, share game result to wait, can make the brigade of your adventure more rich and colorful.


Become an outstanding pet elf adventurer, need to learn ceaselessly and be carried out. The elf with right choice, sound training and the prop of tie-in, familiar game world and environment, these are the keys that you become adventurer. Hope this strategy can help the do a job with skill and ease in your world in pet elf, become an elf that gets respect fully to train division.

Thank you to read the article, in hoping these strategies can help the force of your adventure in pet elf further upward!
