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1. 奥斯卡烤鸭: 永兴坊最具代表性的美食之一,入口鲜嫩,香气诱人,是众多美食家钟爱的经典菜品。

2. 马三爷鸭血粉丝汤: 汤头鲜美、鸭血软糯,这道汤品配上地道小吃味道独特。

3. 阿三烤鱼: 高汤熬制的鱼汤搭配新鲜鱼肉和特调烤制酱料,吃起来鲜香酥脆,回味无穷。

4. 大大鸡排: 鲜嫩多汁、香气四溢,是永兴坊年轻人最爱的小吃之一。

5. 姑娘夹心饼: 夹心饼皮薄馅大,以手工制作为特色,历史悠久的美食之一。

6. 东坡肉: 来自于南京传统地方名厨,肥瘦相间,口感极佳的经典菜品。

7. 油炸灌汤包: 外脆内嫩的灌汤包,以独特的烹饪工艺和鲜美的馅料声名远扬。

8. 小鸭粉丝: 选用上等小鸭肉制成,搭配秘制酱料,爽滑细腻,回味无穷。

9. 石磨豆浆: 传统手工制作,口感纯正,营养丰富,是永兴坊的地道早餐之一。

10. 手工烧饼: 金黄酥脆、外皮层层酥松,内馅鲜美可口,让人回味无穷。




Always begin rise and fall of lane cate culture

Be located in Chinese Nanjing downtown the Yong Xingfang of flourishing a sector of an area, famed with its rich and diversiform cate culture. Since period of day of the Song Dynasty, yong Xingfang is the core of Nanjing town business, all previous classics development of hundreds years, emerge in large numbers gave a lot of meal cate that have distinguishing feature alone. However, as the course that the city changes, cate culture of Yong Xingfang also experienced wind storm rain, some traditions are fastfood seek sign hard gradually, but still a few cate are preserving local characteristic and traditional taste as before, get of local dweller and tourist love.

Yong Xingfang eats 10 big cate to recommend surely

1.Oscar roast duck: Yong Xingfang provides one of representative cate most, the entrance is fresh and tender, aroma is inviting, it is the classical dish that numerous epicure dotes on is tasted.

2.Soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of blood of duck of Ma San father: A prescription for a medical decoction soft glutinous of blood of delicious, duck, this Shang Pin deserves to go up pure and fastfood flavor is unique.

3.3 grilled fish of A: Soup-stock boils the fish that make tie-in and fresh fish mixes soup to be moved especially bake the makings that make sauce, taste bright sweet crisp, the aftertaste is boundless.

4.Greatly gallinaceous platoon: Fresh and tender and juicily, aroma 4 excessive, it is Yong Xingfang what the youth loves most is fastfood one of.

5.Cake of girl with filling: Thin stuffing of skin of with filling cake is big, serve as characteristic with be being made by hand, one of cate with long history.

6.East slope flesh: Come from at hutch of name of Nanjing traditional place, fat thin alternate with, the classical dish with admirable mouthfeel is tasted.

7.Deepfry fill dumpling: Outside fragile inside tender fill dumpling, with distinctive cooking technology and Yuan Yang of delicious stuffing makings reputation.

8.Small duck vermicelli made from bean starch: Choose classy small duck flesh is made, tie-in secret makes sauce material, bright slips exquisite, the aftertaste is boundless.

9.Stone mill soya-bean milk: Traditional handiwork is made, mouthfeel is sterling, nutrition is rich, it is one of pure breakfast of Yong Xingfang.

10.Manual sesame seed cake: Cortical and golden crisp, layer upon layer crisp pine, inside stuffing is delicious and goluptious, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.

Above cate of 10 characteristic of big Yong Xingfang, every are bearing the weight of together place's distinctive food culture, it is the elite place of Nanjing traditional cate. Sampling these pure cate while, also can appreciate the humanitarian history that abounds to Yong Xingfang and urban style and features, contented taste bud while also can enjoy the life that does not have amorous feelings to experience.

Thank you to read the article, believe to search cate to will be helped somewhat in Yong Xingfang to you.

