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  • 古代经典:如《论语》、《大学》、《孟子》、《诗经》等经典著作,是中国古代文化的精华所在。
  • 语言文字:包括古汉语、方言、古文字等,反映了古代中国人民丰富的语言文字表达和认知方式。
  • 哲学思想:儒家、道家、墨家等思想体系,对中国社会和人们的思维方式产生深远影响。
  • 传统礼仪:包括婚丧嫁娶、宴客拜访等礼仪习俗,体现了中国人的传统道德准则和社交规范。



  • 历史价值: 国学文化是中国文明的根基,承载着丰富的历史信息和文化遗产,对今日中国社会的发展具有重要的历史参考意义。
  • 文化价值: 国学文化体现了中国传统文化的精髓,对传统文化的传承和弘扬具有重要意义。
  • 精神价值: 国学文化中蕴含着丰富的思想和精神内涵,对人们的道德修养和人文素养具有积极的影响。


国学文化的当代意义: 弘扬国学文化有利于增强国家文化软实力,加强民族认同感,促进社会和谐稳定,推动中华民族的伟大复兴。




The country learns culture, it is the main component in pointing to Chinese traditional culture, covered the many fields such as thought of character of culture of Chinese ancient time, classical, language, philosophy. The country learns culture to bearing the weight of rich historical legacy, reflected the idea idea that China comes to thousands of years, ethic and aesthetic interest.

The country learns the connotation of culture

Guo Xuewen changes connotation to abound, basically include:

  • Ancient time is classical: Be like " the analects of confucius " , " university " , " Mencius " , " The Book of Songs " wait for classic work, it is the elite place of culture of Chinese ancient time.
  • Language character: Include Gu Hanyu, dialectal, ancient writing to wait, the language character expression that reflected archaic China people to abound and cognitive means.
  • Philosophical thought: The ideology such as the Confucianist, Taoist school, Mohist School, produce far-reaching effect to the thinking means of Chinese society and people.
  • Traditional and formal: Include customer of marriage funeral espouse, dinner to visit etc formal and consuetudinary, reflected traditional morality criterion of the Chinese and gregarious standard.

The country learns the value of culture

Guo Xuewen changes the main component that regards China as traditional culture, have important history, culture and mental value:

  • Historical value: Guo Xuewen changes the basis that is Chinese civilization, bearing the weight of substantial historical information and culture bequest, to nooning today social development has the state principal historical reference port.
  • Culture value: Guo Xuewen changes the marrow that reflected Chinese traditional culture, the inheritance to traditional culture and promote have important sense.
  • Mental value: Guo Xuewen is changed in accumulate containing rich thought and mental connotation, have positive effect to the moral training of people and humanitarian accomplishment.

The country learns the contemporary meaning of culture

The country learns the contemporary meaning of culture: Promote a country to learn culture to be helpful for enhancing national culture soft actual strength, strengthen a nation to know the same feeling, stimulative society harmony is stable, those who urge the Chinese nation is great revive.

Anyhow, guo Xuewen is changed is Chinese people the main carrier of outstanding and traditional culture, it is the main component of home of spirit of the Chinese nation, be heart of our nation self-confidence and traditional culture more is important prop up. Learn culture through knowing a state deep, we can be known better and cherish Chinese traditional culture, inheritance develops the Chinese nation spirit of outstanding and traditional culture.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, you can understand the intention that Guo Xuewen changes, value and contemporary significance deep more.
