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Winter child Yo want special attention

Winter is darling grows the key of development period, also be easy the season that produces respiratory tract infection and disease. In this special period, parents needs to pay close attention to the child's health all the more. The article will introduce how to nurse scientificly for you darling, prevent common disease, and the method that answers all sorts of circumstances, grow for darling health escort the Emperor convoy.

The maintenance of indoor temperature and air humidity

Winter weather is cold, indoor temperature crosses small conference to affect the health of darling. Suggest indoor temperature maintains in 20-22 Celsius, maintain air humidity to be controlled in 50-60% . Can use humidifier to increase air humidity, want seasonable and ventilated take a breath at the same time, maintain air pure and fresh.

Darling dress and heat preservation

The dress of darling should undertake adjustment according to temperature of room inside and outside, Wear should timely and reasonable, lest overheat or catch cold catch cold. When the activity outdoor, want to choose the clothing and other articles of daily use with soft and comfortable, good warmth retention property to darling, make step of very windbreak heat preservation.

Reasonable indoor airiness and ventilated

Indoor airiness and ventilated dispute constant important, Can reduce all sorts of bacterias and harmful gas cause, reduce darling to contract the risk of the disease. Parent need opens a window regularly everyday ventilated, in order to maintain airy pure and fresh with health.

Nutrition and food are arranged

Winter darling needsRaise quantity of heat to absorb, but also should notice balanced diet, eat the fruit that contains a lot ofa vitamin and vegetable more, proper and compensatory high grade protein. In the meantime, Food wants delicate easy digest, avoid raw or cold food fat food, grow to the health of darling crucial.

Fixed check-up and vaccinate

Take darling to undertake healthy check-up and vaccinate are very important regularly, can help darling buildImmune protective screen, reduce the risk of the disease. The parent wants the healthy case of cogent attention darling, undertake relevant checkup and vaccination to the hospital on time.

Maintain good habits and customs

The habits and customs of darling grows to health having crucial effect. Hold regular work and rest for instance, develop good wholesome habit, Enhance strengthEtc. The parent should foster the habits and customs with good darling as a child, the health that is them lays next good foundations.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can help you more scientific, nurse reasonably darling, let them grow happily in winter health.

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