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如何正确进行健身推举 - 专业指导英文双语对照


如何正确进行健身推举 - 专业指导英文双语对照







  • 抬肩耸耳: 在举重的过程中,肩部不应该向上提升,这会导致肩部肌肉和颈部的压力增加。
  • 过度弯曲腰背: 为了使用惯性,一些人会弯曲腰背来帮助举重,这样会增加腰部的负担,容易导致腰部受伤。
  • 使用过重的重量: 使用过重的重量不仅会影响动作的标准度,还会增加肌肉和关节的负担,容易受伤。



  • 掌握正确的姿势: 姿势决定动作的效果,一定要保持正确的姿势,避免造成不必要的伤害。
  • 控制重量: 选择适合自己的重量,不要贪图一时的刺激而使用过重的重量。
  • 加强肩部和背部的拉伸: 在进行健身推举前,进行一定的肩部和背部的拉伸活动,有助于提高肌肉的活动范围。




Gymnastical choose is graphic

Gymnastical choose is a very significant training action, exercise humeral ministry, back and arm muscle effectively. However, a lot of people are put in the pose of a few mistakes and operation when having gymnastical press, this can be affected not only exercise the effect, cause athletic loss possibly still. Will undertake in the light of gymnastical choose below graphic and define, help you master this movement correctly.

Behavioral essentials

When having gymnastical press, want to maintain station appearance stability above all, the foot is the same as with the shoulder apart a little wide, knee bends slightly. Take dumbbell or barbell, both hands handholds, before control face. Next weight up choose comes the top of head, next slow put down, till arm and shoulder parallel.

Common and wrong

When having gymnastical press, some people often can appear the following mistake:

  • Ear of alarm of half the circumference of the sleeve where it joins the shoulder: In the process of weight lifting, humeral ministry should not promote up, this meeting brings about humeral ministry muscle and cervical pressure to increase.
  • Excessive curve lumbar back: To use inertial, a few people can curve lumbar back to help weight lifting, such meetings increase lumbar burden, bring about the waist easily to get hurt.
  • Use overweight weight: Use overweight weight to be able to affect behavioral standard to spend not only, still can increase muscle and articulatory burden, get hurt easily.


When having gymnastical press, must notice the following item:

  • Master correct pose: The pose decides behavioral effect, must maintain correct pose, avoid to cause needless harm.
  • Control weight: The choice suits his weight, do not want covet to stimulate and use overweight weight temporarily.
  • Strengthen the drawing of humeral ministry and back: Before having gymnastical press, have the drawing activity of certain humeral ministry and back, conduce to raise sarcous territory.

Through above graphic and define, believe you had had clearer knowledge to gymnastical choose. Remember, before undertaking any fitness train, want to ensure oneself body position is good, avoid to get hurt. Hope you can pass correct pose and training, achieve better gymnastical result.

Thank you to read the article, hope these information can help you undertake fitness trains better.
