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  • 1. 巴厘岛:8月是巴厘岛的旱季,适宜海滩度假和水上活动,如冲浪、浮潜等。
  • 2. 东京:日本的夏季祭典和活动频繁,而且气温适中,适合城市观光游。
  • 3. 巴黎:8月是巴黎的旅游淡季,欣赏埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫等景点的人会少一些。
  • 4. 夏威夷:夏威夷的气候一直都很宜人,8月是观赏海豚、游船、冲浪等的好时节。



  • 1. 北极光之旅:8月是北极光的观赏季节,可以前往挪威、芬兰或冰岛等地体验壮丽的极光景观。
  • 2. 非洲野生动物园:8月是非洲的野生动物迁徙季节,可以选择肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚等国家进行野生动物园之旅。




Popular travel destination

Annual August is travel busy season, if you had not planned good where to travel, might as well consider the following popular destination:

  • 1.Cling to li island: August is cling to the dry season of li island, appropriate beach goes vacationing and the activity on water, if surf, float goes,wait.
  • 2.Tokyo: Japanese summer is sacral with the activity frequent, and air temperature moderate, suit urban sightseeing to swim.
  • 3.Paris: The travel that August is Paris is off-season, the person that admires the tourist attraction such as palace of float of iron tower of dust humble Er, Lu will be a few less.
  • 4.Hawaiian: Hawaiian climate all the time very delightful, august is the good time that views and admire dolphin, yacht, surf to wait.

Characteristic is recommended

If you want the viatic experience of a few different common, can consider travel of the following kinds of characteristic:

  • 1.The brigade of aurora borealis: August is aurora borealis view and admire season, can experience magnificent auroral sight in order to head for Norwegian, Finland or Icelandic and other places.
  • 2.Garden of African wild animal: The wild animal of dispute continent will migrate in August seasonal, can choose the country such as Kenya, Tanzania to have the stay away from home of wild animal garden.

No matter you are to like to beach goes vacationing or go after adventure to stimulate, or it is to culture art has strong interest, will find the journey's end that suits oneself in August. Hope above is recommended can help you, wish you have a happy trip!

Thank you to read the article, hope above recommends the journey's end that can help you find ideal, wish you journey is happy!

