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The city turns brought challenge

Change the acceleration of the process as the city, more and more family choices live in big city and work. However, the high-pressured life rhythm of big city and the issue that lack a space give Yo brought a lot of challenge. It is in a such Guangzhou busy cities, how to give the child the issue that the space that a health grows became a lot of parents to pay close attention to jointly.

The Yo that gets used to city life means

Be in Guangzhou such metropolitan, parents can try a few Yo that get used to city life means. Above all, want to pay attention to indoor activity space of the child, a safe and capacious game area can be set in the home, let the child also can get sufficient activity indoors. Next, should make full use of public natural resources of the city, for instance the library, museum, park, let the child contact more knowledge and nature.

Pay close attention to the child's mental health

In the life with busy city, parents often ignored the child's mental health. Accordingly, want to take affection demand of the child seriously, give them adequate care and company. Can pass close child interactive game and communication, let the child get the satisfaction on affection in the life of fast rhythm.

Search community support and resource

Guangzhou serves as multivariate of culture metropolitan, having substantial community natural resources and support. Parents can teach the way such as course through community activity, family, search more Yo support and resource. In the communication with other parent, can obtain more Yo experience and inspire.

Build the atmosphere of domestic harmony

Finally, want to be in busy city life, build the domestic atmosphere of a sweet harmony. Between domestic member get along well to the child grow crucial, want floriferous time and family to spend good time in all together, let the child feel warmth and security in the family.

Anyhow, guangzhou such metropolitan Yo facing many challenges admittedly, but the Yo through getting used to city life the means, mental health that pays close attention to the child, search community support and resource and build harmonious family atmosphere, parents still can give the child the space that a health grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can is through this article in Guangzhou Yo parents are offerred a few economic helps and inspire.

