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  • 全面的设备支持:支持华为智能家居产品线以及兼容的第三方智能家居设备,涵盖了智能灯光、智能安防、智能家电等多个领域。
  • 智能场景设置:用户可以根据自己的生活习惯和需求,设置各种智能场景,如“回家模式”、“离家模式”等,实现自动化的设备管理。
  • 远程控制:用户可以通过手机app,随时随地对家中的智能设备进行远程控制,让您的家在指尖上随心所欲。
  • 智能联动:各个智能设备之间可以实现联动,形成更加智能化的应用场景,提升用户的生活品质。



  • 强大的兼容性:支持华为智能家居产品线,同时也对兼容的第三方设备提供了广泛的支持。
  • 智能化体验:通过智能场景设置和设备联动,用户可以享受到更加智能化、便捷的生活体验。
  • 安全可靠:华为作为知名的科技企业,对数据安全有着严格的保护,用户可以放心使用智能家居app。
  • 持续更新:华为会持续对平台进行更新升级,为用户带来更多智能家居的新体验。





As the flying development of intelligent science and technology, intelligence lives in the one part in becoming people to live. China to regard science and technology as the tycoon, rolled out Hua Weizhi to be able to live in App, offer intelligence to live in a solution for the user. The article can live in comprehensive and analytic Hua Weizhi App, take you to comprehend the new option that this one intelligence lives deep.

What is Hua Weizhi can live in App?

Hua Weizhi can live in App is China an intelligence household that rolls out for the company controls platform, the control that aims to offer intelligence to live in equipment for the user, management and automation serve. The user can pass this App, realize the long-range control of all sorts of pair of intelligence equipment in the home, still can realize the linkage between equipment and intelligence to change setting setting at the same time.

Hua Weizhi can live in the functional characteristic of App

Hua Weizhi can live in App to have characteristic of the following function:

  • Comprehensive equipment supports: Support Hua Weizhi to be able to live in product line and compatible tripartite intelligence to live in equipment, covered intelligent lamplight, intelligence how to be prevented, the many domains such as intelligent home appliance.
  • Intelligent setting installs: The user can be mixed according to his habits and customs demand, install all sorts of intelligence setting, be like " mode coming home " , " leave home mode " etc, realize the equipment management of automation.
  • Control remotely: The user can pass mobile phone App, undertake be controllinged remotely to the intelligent equipment in the home at any time and place, the home that allows you is follow one's inclinations on finger tip.
  • Intelligent linkage: Each intelligence can achieve linkage between equipment, form more the applied setting that intelligence changes, promote the life of the user quality.

Hua Weizhi can live in the advantage of App

Control platform than be being lived in at other intelligence, hua Weizhi can live in App to have following advantages:

  • Powerful compatibility: Support Hua Weizhi to be able to live in product line, also provided wide support to compatible tripartite equipment at the same time.
  • Intelligence turns an experience: Pass intelligent setting setting and equipment linkage, the user can be enjoyed more intelligence is changed, convenient life experience.
  • On the safe side: China to regard famous science and technology as the enterprise, having strict protection to data security, the user can be at ease use intelligence lives in App.
  • Update continuously: China upgrade to can undertake updating to platform continuously, bring the new experience that more intelligence lives in for the user.


Hua Weizhi can live in App to live in the main product of the domain as intelligence, offerred intelligence to change for the user, convenient the life solution that change. Those who adopt pair of its function characteristics and dominant position is analytic, believe everybody can live in App to have more thorough knowledge to Hua Weizhi, OK also more the household that intelligent ground makes him lives.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article understands Hua Weizhi to be able to live in App to be helped somewhat to you.

