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长城: 作为中国乃至世界上最著名的景点之一,长城展现了古代中国人民不屈不挠的民族精神和宏伟的建筑功绩。而位于陕西的华清池、江苏的扬州古运河、江西的庐山、福建的武夷山等地也是引人入胜的风景名胜。

敦煌莫高窟: 位于甘肃省的敦煌莫高窟是中国古代艺术的瑰宝,以其绚丽的壁画和雕塑闻名于世。莫高窟中的艺术作品以它丰富的内容、精美的技艺和蔚为壮观的规模,形成了中国古代艺术的完整系统。

桂林山水: 被誉为“山水甲天下”,桂林山水如诗如画,层峦叠嶂,江水蜿蜒,是中外游客梦想的旅游胜地。








China travels: A mystery and beautiful country

Regard the history on the world as one of countries with the longest, the brightest culture, china is attracting the tourist of world each district with its gorgeous scenery and long historical culture. Chinese region is vast, natural sight is magnificent, the travel resort of the without number such as the Dunhuang that having a lot of winding Great Walls, mystery's Mo Gao hole, beautiful Guilin landscape, gallant Huang Shanji peak and Na Sihu of gallant noise made in coughing or vomiting, various cate and rich culture legacy also let stream of people forget to return repeatedly.

Chinese travel tourist attraction

The Great Wall: As one of the famousest tourist attractions on China and even world, the Great Wall developed archaic China people's inexorable ethos and magnificent building contribution. And the Wu Yi of the cottage hill of the Yangzhou ancient canal of the Hua Qingchi that is located in Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian hill and other places also is fascinating view scenic spot.

Dunhuang Mo Gao hole: The Dunhuang Mo Gao hole that is located in the Gansu Province is the gem of art of Chinese ancient time, with its flowery mural is mixed sculpture is famed at the world. The content that the work of art in Mo Gao hole abounds with it, elegant craft and the dimensions that Wei Weizhuang watchs, formed the whole system of art of Chinese ancient time.

Guilin landscape: Be known as " landscape armour the world " , guilin landscape if the poem is picturesque, layer hill rows of mountains, jiang Shui is winding, it is the travel resort that tourist of China and foreign countries dreams.

Chinese cate culture

Chinese cate with its multiterminal of broad and profound, of long standing and well established, change and famed at the world. Be in in the 8 big vegetable such as dish of dish of dish, another name for Guangdong Province, plain dish, Lu Cai, short for Zhejiang Province, Su Cai are medium, each dish fastens the cate that has a lot of lick one's chaps making a person. The seafood of the mug-up of the chaffy dish of the roast duck from Beijing, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian arrives of Xinjiang bake complete sheep, each cate is bearing the weight of the abundance of this old culture and colorful.

Chinese local customs

Chinese people enthusiasm is hospitable, they blended in their affection distinctive culture tradition in, for example the traditional festival such as the Spring Festival, dragon boat festival, the Mid-autumn Festival, and drink the traditional culture such as tea, painterly, calligraphy consuetudinary. And area of a few minority, the Chuang of the Tibetian of the Dai nationality that is like Yunnan, Tibet, Guangxi, having distinctive dress, dancing and way of life more, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

China, it is a history the country with long, broad and profound culture, its substantial travel natural resources, delicate cate culture and distinctive local customs, it is the superexcellent place to go that world tourist explores undoubtedly!

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