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22. Some tiny spiders wear water droplets as hats. 一些小蜘蛛会把水滴当帽子戴。 23. Dolphins will intentionally play with puffer fish and get poked by the spikes. The poison in the spikes gets them high. 海豚会故意找河豚玩,让自己被河豚的硬刺扎。刺里的毒素会让海豚飘飘欲仙。 24. Tigers are unable to purr, so in order to show affection, they close their eyes and "chuff" because closing their eyes means they leave themselves vulnerable. 老虎不能(像猫一样在高兴时)发出咕噜声,因此当它们想表达感情时,会闭上眼睛发出擦擦声,因为闭上眼睛意味着让自己处于弱势。 25. Some penguins are ticklish. 一些企鹅很怕痒。 26. Cows take turns in babysitting their young. One will stay with the calves while other moms graze further away. 奶牛会轮流照看小牛。当其他奶牛妈妈去远处吃草时,会有一头奶牛妈妈留下来陪伴小牛们。 27. Octopuses make cute little gardens by collecting stones and shiny things and arranging them in the sand. 章鱼会收集石头和亮晶晶的东西,在沙子上排列一番,造出可爱的小花园。 28. Hundreds of seedlings become trees every year because of squirrels forgetting where they buried their food. 每年都有数百棵树是因为松鼠忘记把食物藏在哪里而长成的。 29. It takes some time for baby elephants to get control of their trunks. 小象需要花一些时日才能控制自己的象鼻。 30. Red pandas use their fluffy tails as blankets to keep warm when they sleep. 小熊猫睡觉时用自己毛绒绒的尾巴当毯子来保暖。 31. Prairie dogs say hello by kissing. 草原犬鼠通过亲吻来打招呼。

32. Baby elephants suck on their trunk for comfort. 小象通过吮吸象鼻来寻求安慰。 33. Ducks like to surf. They've been observed riding tides and swimming back to ride them again. 鸭子喜欢冲浪。它们曾被观察到冲浪,然后又游回去再来一次。 34. Some fish can recognize their owner's face. 一些鱼可以认出主人的脸。 35. Wolves have babysitters. Members of the pack watch over the young when the parents go hunting. 狼群内有保姆。在父母们出去猎食时,狼群的一些成员会照看小狼。 36. Guinea pigs hop up and down when excited and apparently it's called "popcorning". 豚鼠在激动时会蹦蹦跳跳,显然这就是“爆米花跳”。 37. Sea horses get "married". 海马会“结婚”。 38. Chinchilla fur is so dense that it's very bad for them to get wet. So instead of bathing in water, they bathe in dust. 毛丝鼠的毛太密,所以一旦湿了就很麻烦。所以它们不在水里洗澡,而在尘土里“洗澡”。 39. Dolphins have names for one another. 海豚们都有自己的名字。 40. Dragonflies and damselflies form a heart with their tails when they mate. 蜻蜓和豆娘在交配时会用尾巴摆出一个心形。 41. Toucans curl into a little tiny ball when they sleep. 犀鸟在睡觉时会将身体蜷成一个小球。 42. Caribbean sperm whales have their own regional accent. 加勒比海抹香鲸有自己的地方口音。
