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1. 了解商用需求:首先要清楚自己的商用摄影需求,是拍摄产品、建筑、人像还是风景?不同的需求对相机性能有不同要求。

2. 传感器尺寸:商用摄影通常需要高质量的图片,大尺寸或全画幅传感器的相机能够提供更高的分辨率和更好的画质。

3. 镜头选择:根据拍摄需求选择合适的镜头,比如广角镜头适合拍摄建筑,定焦镜头适合人像摄影。

4. 取景器类型:数码相机通常有光学取景器和电子取景器两种,根据自己的习惯选择合适的类型。

5. 对焦性能:商用摄影通常需要快速而精准的对焦,因此对相机的对焦性能有较高要求。


1. 关注产品发布会:在新品发布会上往往有折扣和促销活动,是购买数码相机的好时机。

2. 选购节日:一些特定的节日(如双十一、618)是数码产品打折促销的黄金时期,抓住机会可以享受到更多优惠。

3. 比价购买:在多个渠道(如实体店、电商平台)对比价格,选取性价比高的产品进行购买。

4. 关注二手市场:有些数码相机品牌在保质的前提下提供二手产品,价格相对更为优惠。

5. 注意闪购活动:一些电商平台经常举办限时闪购活动,可以在活动期间购得心仪的数码相机。



Digital camera uses the main tool of photography as business, the camera that the choice fits him requirement is crucial. The article will introduce how to choose to fit commercial number camera and strategy of a few scare buying for you.

How to choose to suit commercial number camera

1.Understanding business uses requirement: Want to be clear that oneself business uses photography requirement above all, be to film product, building, figure still is a scenery? Diverse demand has diverse demand to camera function.

2.Sensor dimension: Business needs the picture of high quality normally with photography, the camera of large size or full frame sensor can offer higher resolution and better picture to pledge.

3.Camera lens choice: The basis films demand chooses appropriate camera lens, for instance wide-angle lens comfortable in harmony photographs a building, focus camera lens to suit figure photography.

4.Viewfinder type: Digital camera has optical viewfinder and electronic viewfinder normally two kinds, select right kind according to his habit.

5.To anxious function: Business needs normally with photography fast and what essence of life allows is right anxious, have higher demand to pair of anxious function of camera accordingly.

Strategy of digital camera scare buying

1.Pay close attention to product news briefing: In taste a news briefing newly to go up to often have discount and sales promotion activity, it is the inning that buys digital camera.

2.Festival of choose and buy: A few specific festivals (be like double 11, 618) it is digital product make the gold period that breaks sales promotion, capture an opportunity to be able to enjoy more privilege.

3.Rate of exchange is bought: In many channel (be like platform of business of hypostatic inn, cable) comparative price, choose sexual price to undertake buying than expensive product.

4.Attention is secondhand the market: Brand of some numbers camera is protecting qualitative premise next offerring secondhand product, the value is relative more favourable.

5.The attention shines buy an activity: Platform of business of a few cable often is held in a limited time shine buy an activity, the digital camera that must admire in the heart can be bought during the activity.

Pass the introduction of the article, believed you to have more thorough knowledge to how choosing to fit commercial number camera and strategy of a few scare buying. Thank you read, hope to be helped somewhat to you!

