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  1. 首先,登录教育部官方指定的学历信息查询网站。
  2. 其次,进入“学历查询”页面,填写相关的个人信息,包括姓名、身份证号码、所学专业、毕业院校等。
  3. 然后,按照网站提示进行身份验证,可以选择使用手机验证或者其他方式验证身份。
  4. 最后,提交查询请求,系统会根据填写的信息进行验证,并生成相应的学籍在线验证报告。



  • 务必填写真实准确的个人信息,以保证查询结果的准确性。
  • 在身份验证环节,请按照指引正确操作,确保身份验证的顺利完成。
  • 在查询报告后,务必保存好相关的验证报告文件,以备不时之需。




One's status as a student of Ministry of Education is online brief introduction of report of test and verify

One's status as a student of Ministry of Education is online report of test and verifyIt is the report of true bogus of the information of one's status as a student that shows through government of Ministry of Education platform inquires a student and certificate of record of formal schooling. It is in a lot of circumstance, like obtain employment, go abroad study abroad main effect is had in waiting for a process.

Get one's status as a student of Ministry of Education the measure that online test and verify reports

Should get one's status as a student of Ministry of Education report of online test and verify, you need to undertake according to the following measure:

  1. Above all, the information of record of formal schooling that government of entry Ministry of Education appoints inquires a website.
  2. Next, enter " record of formal schooling inquires " page, fill in pertinent individual information, include number of full name, Id, place to learn school of professional, graduate to wait.
  3. Next, according to the website clew undertakes identity test and verify, can choose to use mobile phone test and verify identity of test and verify of other perhaps way.
  4. Finally, submit inquiry request, the system can undertake test and verify according to the information that fill in, create corresponding one's name on the school roll report of online test and verify.


In get one's status as a student of Ministry of Education when online test and verify reports, need notices the following:

  • Write the individual information with photo accurate fact without fail, in order to assure the accuracy of inquiry result.
  • In link of identity test and verify, please according to how-to and correct operation, ensure of identity test and verify finish smoothly.
  • After inquiry reports, had saved file of relevant report of test and verify without fail, in order to have untimely needs.

Adopt afore-mentioned measure, you can get one's status as a student of Ministry of Education smoothly report of online test and verify, the information of record of formal schooling that is an individual is checked offerred convenient and quick way.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope gets one's status as a student of Ministry of Education to you report of online test and verify is helped somewhat.

