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  • 谦逊谨慎:富二代在体验生活时,会更加谦逊,尊重当地的生活方式和习惯。
  • 自觉融入:他们会主动融入当地人群,尽量不暴露自己的富裕身份。
  • 感恩回馈:体验生活过程中,富二代会更加感恩,更加关心社会民生,有意识地为当地社区做出一些贡献。
  • 跳出舒适圈:他们敢于挑战自己,放下身段,勇敢面对一些普通人可能觉得困难的生活和工作。






Rich the real significance that 2 acting experiences live

Rich 2 generation come out to experience the life, it is to show the case that has havinging relatively rich living conditions falls, the option leaves comfortable group, with more the life that the kind that ground connection enrages goes experiencing Everyman. Rich although 2 generation are not lacked in materially, but the life that they yearn for to pass experience Everyman, will comprehend society and life deeplier.

Rich the feature that 2 generation experience and behavior expression

Rich main show is in the feature that 2 acting experiences live the following respects:

  • Condescending and careful: Rich when 2 generation are experiencing the life, the meeting is more condescending, respect local lifestyle and habit.
  • Blend in self-consciously: They can blend in local crowd actively, do not reveal oneself rich identity as far as possible.
  • Be thankful pass on: In experiencing lifecycle, rich 2 generation are met more be thankful, care social the people's livelihood more, make a few contribution for local community conciously.
  • Jump out comfortable circle: They dare to challenge their, put down figure, face the life that a few Everyman may feel difficult and job bravely.

Rich the active meaning that 2 acting experiences live

Rich 2 generation experience the life, can help them comprehend the life of Everyman better not only, can let them more more blend in a society, experience the life condition of different estate crowd, deepen unjust to the society understanding, go think and caring social problem then, pass on a society with more positive attitude.

Through experiencing the life of Everyman, they can learn to be thankful and be cherished, more the people that understands arduous labor, this grows to theirs and the form Chengdu of life idea has important sense.

Finally, thank each reader to read this article, the hope can bring everybody to be opposite rich the different perspective that 2 acting experiences live, what also hope to be able to live to experiencing is rich 2 generation people help somewhat.
