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City of individual plant continent teachs bureau survey

Bureau of education of city of individual plant continent is the function branch that government of people of city of individual plant continent is in charge of teaching the job, the education that basically is in charge of make and carrying out place develops program, policy and code, guidance and the educational system that run whole town are reformed and develop. The duty of this bureau covered the many education field such as education of preschool education, compulsory education, average high school, profession education.

Teach system and policy

Bureau of education of city of individual plant continent answers a country actively to teach policy, push educational system reform ceaselessly, drive quality education and obligation to teach balanced evolution. This bureau devotes oneself to compose to build the educational system of mutiple level, much type, promote the fairness allocation that teachs resource, ensure every child can enjoy natural resources of high grade education. In the meantime, bureau of education of city of individual plant continent still is paid attention to strengthen pedagogic team construction, improve educational education quality, encourage the school and pedagogic innovation development.

Education develops prospect

As individual plant the rapid development of continent city economy, educational enterprise also welcomed unprecedented development opportunity. Bureau of education of city of individual plant continent will continue to widen educational natural resources, increase the investment that builds to teaching infrastructure, perfect education quality evaluates a system, raise educational education level, make top-ranking educational environment hard. In the meantime, bureau of education of city of individual plant continent still will blend in a country actively to teach reform policy, stimulative education internationalization and modernization, the talented person that has international competition ability to foster more makes contribution.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the pertinent information of the bureau through knowing town of individual plant continent, can understand place to teach system, policy and development foreground better.

