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  1. 声音:通过录制自然界的声音,学生可以聆听到鸟鸣、风声、水流等自然声音,并学会用声音去感知大自然的语言。
  2. 图像:引导学生观察大自然中的景色、植物和动物,并通过绘画、摄影等形式表达对自然的感悟。
  3. 气味:通过嗅觉去感受大自然特有的气味,比如花草的清香、泥土的芬芳,从而更加深入地理解自然的语言。








Nature is magical and beautiful, it communicates with its unique kind and us. " the language of nature " the sound that teaching plan aims to let a student pass exploration nature, image is amiable flavour, go to perception, understanding and the beauty that convey the language of nature. The article will share the content of this one teaching plan and value.

Teaching plan content

" the language of nature " teaching plan includes 3 shares: Sound, image and odour.

  1. Sound: Pass the sound of transcribe nature, the student is OK listen hears the natural voice such as twitter, rumour, current, learn vocally to feel the language of nature.
  2. Image: Guide a student to observe the scenery in nature, plant and animal, convey pair of natural comprehension through the form such as painterly, photography.
  3. Odour: Go experiencing the flavor with peculiar nature through smell, for instance the fragrance of the faint scent of flowers and plants, clay, understand natural language more greatly into the ground thereby.

Teaching plan importance

" the language of nature " teaching plan is an average natural tax not just, it is to arousing a student more to nature have deep love for and protect consciousness, foster aesthetic affection of the student and observation. Adopt such education, the student can feel the wonderful part of nature, those who arouse pair of nature is awe-stricken with have deep love for.


Pass " the language of nature " teaching plan, the student is opposite in textbook of bureau be confined to no longer natural understanding, experience and the sense organ that passes oneself however understands the beauty of the language of nature personally. This will bring more far-reaching influence for their study henceforth and life.

Thank you to read the article, the hope is enjoyed through cent " the language of nature " teaching plan, can help you understand the fascination of nature better, also can inspire you the new thinking to teaching teacher and student.
